본문 바로가기


aa-1: A Big ( )

A Big (     )



1단계 영영풀이의 해석을 하세요.

a - article : one

big - adjective : large in size; not little

bus - noun : a large motor vehicle that carries people

car -noun : a small motor vehicle; an automobile

dinosaur -noun : a member of a group of reptiles that lived long ago

dog - noun : a four-legged mammal that barks and is often kept as a pet

elephant - noun : a large, gray mammal with tusks and a long trunk

house - noun : a building where people live

plane - noun : a machine with wings that flies

tree - noun : a large woody plant with roots, a trunk, and branches











2단계 영영풀이의 뜻을 맞혀 보세요.

○ - article : one

○○○ - adjective : large in size; not little

○○○ - noun : a large motor vehicle that carries people

○○○ -noun : a small motor vehicle; an automobile

○○○○○○○○ -noun : a member of a group of reptiles that lived long ago

○○○ - noun : a four-legged mammal that barks and is often kept as a pet

○○○○○○○○ - noun : a large, gray mammal with tusks and a long trunk

○○○○○ - noun : a building where people live

○○○○○ - noun : a machine with wings that flies

○○○ - noun : a large woody plant with roots, a trunk, and branches










3단계 영어단어의 풀이를 영어로 말해 보세요.

a - article : o__

big - adjective : l____ i_ s___; n__ l_____

bus - noun : a l____ m____ v______ t___ c______ p_____

car -noun : a s____ m____ v______; a_ a_________

dinosaur -noun : a m_____ o_ a g____o_ r_______ t___ l____ l___ a__

dog - noun : a f___-l_____ m______ t___ b____ a__ i_ o____ k____ a_ a p__

elephant - noun : a l____, g___ m_____ w___ t____ a__ a l___ t____

house - noun : a b_______ w____ p_____ l___

plane - noun : a m______ w___ w____ t___ f____

tree - noun : a l____ w____ p____ w___ r____, a t____, a__ b_______











4단계 영어단어의 풀이를 영어로 말해 보세요.

a - article :

big - adjective :

bus - noun :

car -noun :

dinosaur -noun :

dog - noun

elephant - noun :

house - noun :

plane - noun :

tree - noun :