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g로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이

[g로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이]


gay adjective : happy

giant adjective : very, very big

glad adjective : happy

gold adjective : having a dark yellow color

golden adjective : gold in color; made of gold metal

gone adjective : the past tense of "go"; no longer here

good adjective : enjoyable

good adjective : usable; behaving well; better than average

gray adjective : having the color of black mixed with white

great adjective : very good; much better than usual

green adjective : having the color of blue mixed with yellow

grown adjective : mature; developed

grumpy adjective : bad-tempered


gallant adjective : heroic or brave

gaseous adjective : in the form of gas

general adjective : affecting most people, places, or things; not specific

generous adjective : willing or eager to give more of something than expected, such as time or money; large or plentiful

gentle adjective : mild, soft, or easy

genuine adjective : real; sincere

geometric adjective : relating to the field of math that deals with angles, points, lines, surfaces, and solids

Germanic adjective : describing a group of languages with similar characteristics spoken across northwestern Europe or the people who spoke them

ghoulish adjective : having to do with ghouls, or ghosts

gifted adjective : very talented or good at doing something

gigantic adjective : very, very big

glamorous adjective : attractive or exciting in a way that appeals to others

glassy adjective : smooth; similar to glass in some way

gleaming adjective : shining softly

glittery adjective : shiny or sparkly

global adjective : of or relating to the entire world

glorious adjective : very enjoyable or so beautiful as to make someone feel joy

glum adjective : sad, depressed, or gloomy

gnarled adjective : bumpy, rough, and twisted

gooey adjective : sticky or gummy

gorgeous adjective : very beautiful

graceful adjective : moving in an elegant manner

gradual adjective : happening slowly or in stages

graham adjective : a type of whole-wheat flour or a product made from this flour

grand adjective : impressive in size or appearance; large in scope

grassy adjective : covered with grass

grateful adjective : feeling or showing appreciation for thoughtfulness

grave adjective : very serious or important

gravelly adjective : scratchy or harsh, usually in an unpleasant way

greater than adjective : a number or amount that is more than another number or amount

greedy adjective : wanting more than what one needs or deserves

Greek adjective : of or relating to the country of Greece and its people

grim adjective : lacking cheerfulness or hope

gritty adjective : full of or like grit or sand

groggy adjective : dazed or weak, often due to illness or sleepiness

gross adjective : disgusting

grotesque adjective : ugly; misshapen

grueling adjective : extremely difficult; exhausting

gruff adjective : harsh or rough

guilty adjective : affected by a feeling of having done something wrong


genetic adjective : having to do with heredity and variation in living things

geothermal adjective : of or related to the heat produced naturally inside Earth

grass-roots adjective : related to a type of political movement that starts with people who lack power