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s로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이

[s로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이]


sad adjective : unhappy

safe adjective : not likely to cause loss or injury

scared adjective : afraid

scary adjective : causing fear or alarm

second adjective : coming after one other

seven adjective : being one more than six and one less than eight; 7

shallow adjective : not deep

shark adjective : referring to a fish with a big fin on its back

sharp adjective : having an edge that can cut or a point that can make holes

short adjective : measuring a small height, length, or time; not tall or long

shy adjective : timid or afraid around others

sick adjective : not well; suffering from an illness

silly adjective : foolish or playful

six adjective : being one more than five and one less than seven; 6

skinny adjective : very thin; too thin

sleepy adjective : needing to sleep

slow adjective : moving at a low speed; not fast

small adjective : little; not large

smaller adjective : more small

smart adjective : very good at thinking or finding out about things

smooth adjective : not rough or bumpy

soft adjective : sounding quiet and gentle

soft adjective : feeling or looking smooth or pillow like; not rough or hard

some adjective : a few but not all; an unknown amount

sorry adjective : feeling sad or bad about something

sour adjective : having a sharp or tangy taste

special adjective : better than or different from normal

spider adjective : referring to an animal with eight legs that can spin a web

steep adjective : having an extreme slope

sticky adjective : made of or covered with something, such as glue or honey, that other things easily attach to

still adjective : not moving

stinky adjective : having a strong or bad smell

straight adjective : without turns, bends, or curves

striped adjective : having bands of color

strong adjective : powerful; not easy to break

stronger adjective : more strong

stuck adjective : unable to move or to be moved

stupid adjective : not very good at thinking, finding out about things, or using common sense

sunny adjective : having a large amount of sunlight; happy or cheery

sure adjective : certain

sweet adjective : having the taste of sugar


sacred adjective : connected with a god; related to a religious or spiritual purpose; holy

saddest adjective : most sad

sagging adjective : becoming lower because of weight or lack of strength or energy; dwindling or declining

saltwater adjective : containing or involving salt water

salty adjective : containing or seasoned with salt

same adjective : exactly alike; not different

sarcastic adjective : words that mean the opposite of what they seem to mean and are intended to mock or make fun of something

satisfactory adjective : meeting needs or expectations; acceptable but not great

satisfied adjective : feeling pleased or contented

saucy adjective : being rude and disrespectful

savage adjective : fierce, violent or wild

scaly adjective : covered with thin, flat plates, such as those that cover many fish and reptiles

scant adjective : very little; tiny; barely

scarce adjective : rare; present in small amounts

scattered adjective : spread loosely in different directions

scented adjective : something that has an odor or fragrance added to it

scheduled adjective : set to begin at a certain time

scholastic adjective : having to do with school and academic learning

scientific adjective : based on the principles and methods of science; related to science

scorched adjective : having a burned surface

scorching adjective : extremely hot, such as because of fire

scorned adjective : treated with contempt or disapproval

scrawny adjective : thin and bony to the point of being unattractive

scrunched adjective : squashed, wrinkled, or puckered

seafaring adjective : traveling by sea

sealable adjective : able to be closed so that nothing escapes

secluded adjective : hidden away, with few people around

secondhand adjective : not new; having been owned by someone else

secure adjective : free from danger or loss; safe

seething adjective : full of anger

segregated adjective : kept apart based on group differences, such as race

seismic adjective : relating to the shaking of Earth's crust, as by an earthquake

self-centered adjective : caring only about oneself and one's own needs

self-governing adjective : having the right to create and enforce laws without outside interference

self-reliant adjective : having the ability to take care of oneself

selfish adjective : concerned only with one's own welfare, pleasure, or benefit

semiannual adjective : something that happens twice a year

senior adjective : related to an older person

sensible adjective : wise; showing thought and care for the future

sensitive adjective : able to feel or notice small changes; easily irritated or damaged

sentimental adjective : feeling nostalgic, sad, or tender

separate adjective : set or kept apart

serene adjective : peaceful and calm

serious adjective : solemn or important

serviceable adjective : logical, sensible, or in working order

several adjective : more than two, but not a large number of something

severe adjective : extremely harsh or unpleasant

shadow adjective : created by the dark area formed when an object blocks light

shaggy adjective : covered with long, messy hair, fur, or other fibers

shaken adjective : upset

shattered adjective : broken into small pieces, often suddenly and violently

sheepish adjective : feeling embarrassed or shy

shiftless adjective : lazy; unmotivated

shimmering adjective : shining with a wavering, unsteady light, as in a reflection off of water or metal

shiny adjective : having a surface that reflects light

shipshape adjective : clean, neat, or tidy; organized or put together well

shocked adjective : very surprised in an upsetting way

shrewd adjective : having a clever mind; able to make good decisions quickly

shrill adjective : sharp or unpleasant sounding

shriveled adjective : dried up and wrinkled

sidewinding adjective : a motion in which a snake moves its body in a fast, strong S-shape, pushing its body sideways

significant adjective : important or having influence; having special meaning

silken adjective : looking or feeling like silk cloth

similar adjective : sharing many characteristics without being identical

simple adjective : not hard, complicated, or fancy

sincere adjective : genuine and honest

single adjective : only one

skeptical adjective : having doubt

skilled adjective : having the knowledge and training to do a job well

skillful adjective : having or showing a talent for something

skimpy adjective : small; thin; very little

skittish adjective : nervous or excitable

sleek adjective : smooth and lean; elegant

slender adjective : not very wide; slim

slick adjective : feeling or appearing smooth and slippery

slight adjective : small in amount; slender

slim adjective : having a long and narrow shape; gracefully thin

slimy adjective : covered by or feeling like something wet and slippery

slippery adjective : wet, smooth, or slimy; causing something to slide

slobbery adjective : full of or covered with drool or saliva

sly adjective : clever; tricky

smitten adjective : in love with; adoring

smug adjective : feeling or showing a great deal of pride in one's achievements

sneaky adjective : secretive or dishonest

snug adjective : cozy; tight

sober adjective : solemn and sensible; not drunk

social adjective : having to do with society, community, or a connection between individuals; enjoying the company of others

sod adjective : made of grass, roots, and soil cut from the top layer of the ground

softhearted adjective : kind and gentle

soggy adjective : soaked with liquid; heavy and moist

solar adjective : having to do with the Sun

solemn adjective : serious or sad

solid adjective : having a firm, stable form or shape

solitary adjective : single; alone

somber adjective : dark in color or mood; gloomy

soothing adjective : comforting or relaxing

sophisticated adjective : very experienced and aware; having knowledge of the ways of the world

sopping adjective : soaked with liquid; really wet

sore adjective : painful

sound adjective : deep and undisturbed

southern adjective : of, or occurring in, the south

Spanish adjective : of or relating to the country of Spain and its people

spare adjective : an extra of something that is not needed right now

sparkling adjective : shiny and bright

sparse adjective : few and scattered

special adjective : made or used for a certain thing or purpose

specialized adjective : created, designed, and made to perform a certain task

specific adjective : exact; certain; particular

spectacled adjective : wearing eyeglasses, or spectacles; having facial markings in the shape of spectacles

spectacular adjective : wonderful; impressive

speechless adjective : unable to speak

spiciest adjective : most spicy

spicy adjective : having the strong taste or smell of spices

spiny adjective : having prickles or thorns

spiritual adjective : related to spirit, soul, or a divine being

spiteful adjective : angry or jealous

splendid adjective : magnificent; excellent

spotted adjective : having rounded marks that are a different colors from the surface around them

square adjective : relating to an area of a square whose edge is a certain unit

squiggly adjective : curly; loopy

stable adjective : balanced or steady; reliable

stale adjective : no longer fresh or delicious

standard adjective : having to do with the system of measurement used in the United States

stark adjective : harsh or bare

starry adjective : filled with or lit up by stars

starstruck adjective : fascinated with famous people, especially movie stars and other entertainers

starting adjective : a player who plays from the beginning of a game rather than being brought in later

startled adjective : surprised or scared

starving adjective : dying from lack of food; very hungry

stashed adjective : hidden away for later use

static adjective : not moving or changing

stationary adjective : standing still; not moving

steadfast adjective : firm and determined

steady adjective : happening in a continuous manner without stopping; showing little change over time

steady adjective : in a stable or firm position; balanced

steamed adjective : to cook by using the steam from boiling water

steely adjective : similar to steel in strength, hardness, or coldness

sterile adjective : completely clean; free of germs

stern adjective : serious, strict, or demanding

stewed adjective : cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan

stiff adjective : not easily bent, moved, or changed in shape; hard to move without pain

stingy adjective : unwilling to spend, give, or share

stormy adjective : of or having to do with a storm

stranded adjective : left behind; in a helpless situation

strange adjective : unusual, unfamiliar, or surprising

straw adjective : made from the dried stalks of a cereal plant

stray adjective : wandering, lost, or homeless

streamlined adjective : designed to move easily through water or air

strenuous adjective : requiring great effort, energy, or strength

strict adjective : requiring that rules be obeyed

string adjective : of or relating to musical instruments that have strings and are played with a bow such as violins, violas, cellos, and double basses

stringy adjective : made of or having strings

structured adjective : arranged or constructed, often according to a plan

stubborn adjective : not easily moved or changed from a position

stunned adjective : shocked so much that one is unable to react

stunning adjective : extremely beautiful, impressive, or excellent; shocking or amazing

stunted adjective : limited in growth or development

stupefied adjective : emotionally or mentally stunned

sturdy adjective : firmly built and made to last; strong


adjective : existing in the mind but not available to conscious thought processes

submerged adjective : under water

subterranean adjective : underground

subtle adjective : difficult to understand, describe, or analyze

subtropical adjective : of, or occurring in, an area that borders the tropics

suburban adjective : having to do with or typical of a suburb, an inhabited area outside of a city

successful adjective : having the desired result; ending in success

such adjective : something mentioned earlier or about to be mentioned

sudden adjective : happening quickly or without warning

sufficient adjective : enough; as many as are needed

sugary adjective : tasting or looking like sugar

suitable adjective : well-matched with something else; right or appropriate

sullen adjective : sad and angry

super adjective : extremely good

superb adjective : wonderful; excellent

superior adjective : higher in quality or rank

supernatural adjective : beyond what can be explained by natural laws; often relating to religion

superstitious adjective : of, having to do with, or inclined to believe in supernatural events

supple adjective : able to curve or bend easily; flexible

supreme adjective : higher in rank than all others

surprised adjective : astonished or amazed

suspicious adjective : creating distrust; believing that someone is wrong or dishonest

sustainable adjective : able to be used in a way that does not completely use up or cause permanent damage to a resource

sustained adjective : kept up without stopping

sweeping adjective : far-reaching; moving as if in a wide curve

swelling adjective : becoming bigger, rounder, louder, or more numerous

swift adjective : moving or happening very quickly; able to move at a high speed

swiftest adjective : the most swift

symbiotic adjective : of or relating to a beneficial relationship between different kinds of organisms

symbolic adjective : representing an idea

synthetic adjective : human-made by combining two or more substances; not occurring in nature


savory adjective : pleasantly flavored; salty

serpentine adjective : a motion in which a snake moves its body in an S-shape, pushing itself forward where its body bends

sovereign adjective : independent and in charge of its own affairs

starboard adjective : the right-hand side of a boat or airplane when facing forward

strategic adjective : relating to a plan for winning something or solving a problem

strident adjective : harsh-sounding; unpleasantly aggressive or irritating

stylized adjective : made using a particular artistic effect or effects

submicroscopic adjective : too small to be seen with an ordinary microscope

succulent adjective : tender and juicy

sumptuous adjective : rich and delicious

symmetrical adjective : balanced like a mirror image

symphonic adjective : relating to or written for a symphony orchestra