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Compound Words: w로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: w로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


White House  noun : the large house where the president of the United States lives and works


wagonload noun : a load that fills a wagon; a very large amount

warehouse noun : a large building for storing raw materials or goods that will be shipped or sold

warm-blooded adjective : having a relatively constant internal body temperature that does not change with the temperature of the surroundings

washbasin noun : a bowl used for washing

washing machine noun : a machine for washing clothes, linens, and similar things

water lily noun : a freshwater plant whose leaves and flowers float on the surface of water

water strider noun : a long-legged insect that can move on the surface of water

watercolor noun : a painting made with water-based paints

waterfall noun : a stream of water that falls over the edge of something, especially from a high place

waterfowl noun : ducks, geese, swans, and other water birds

watermark noun : a special picture on paper, including currency, that is visible when held up to light

watermelon noun : a large fruit with green skin that is red and watery inside

waterproof adjective : not allowing water to pass through

waterway noun : a body of water that ships can use

wavelength noun : the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave

weatherman noun : a man who announces the weather for a television or radio station

webbed feet noun : feet with toes that are joined by thin skin

weblog noun : a website with an online journal where you can post comments for anybody to read

website noun : one or more linked webpages on the Internet that provide information about a person, topic, or organization

weightlifting noun : a competitive sport in which people attempt to lift the heaviest weight

West Virginia noun : a U.S. state classified in the South or Midwest, just south of eastern Ohio (capital: Charleston)

wetland noun : an area of land that is marshy or swampy

wheelchair noun : a chair with large wheels attached that is used by a person who is disabled or very weak

whenever conjunction : at whatever time; every time

whereas conjunction : in contrast with

whiplash noun : a type of neck injury caused by an intense jerk to the head

whirligig beetle noun : a small water beetle with two pairs of eyes that is known for swimming in circles on the surface of water

whirlpool noun : a powerful, swirling current of water that can pull things into it

whirlwind noun : a column of air that rotates in a circular shape

whiteout noun : a condition during a severe blizzard when visibility is very limited and everything looks white

whoever pronoun : the person or people who

whole grain noun : a food made with the entire kernel of barley, corn, oats, wheat, rye, or other type of grain

whole number noun : any number that is not a fraction or decimal

wild card noun : a player or team chosen to take part in a competition after the other competitors have qualified

wildcat noun : a small cat, native to parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, that is considered to be the ancestor of the domestic cat

wildfire other : a fire that spreads very quickly in a forest or other wild area

wildlife noun : wild animals that live in their natural habitats

windbreak noun : a fence, a row of trees, or another structure that provides protection from wind

windmill noun : a machine with rotating blades that uses wind to generate power

windpipe noun : the main air passage that connects the throat to the lungs; the trachea

windup noun : the movement a pitcher goes through before releasing the ball

wingspan noun : the distance from tip to tip of a pair of wings

withdraw verb : to take money out of an account

withdrawn adjective : preferring to be alone rather than communicate with others

within preposition : inside; not farther than

without preposition : in the absence of; lacking the benefit or use of

withstand verb : to not be damaged or affected by something

woodpecker noun : a bird with a strong bill for pecking at tree trunks

woodwind adjective : of or relating to instruments that are played when the player blows air against a sharp edge or through a reed such as flutes, clarinets, oboes, and bassoons

woodwinds noun : instruments such as flutes, clarinets, oboes, and bassoons that are played when the player blows air against a sharp edge or through a reed

woodworking noun : the skill or activity of making things out of wood

woolly mammoth noun : a large extinct elephant that had a shaggy coat and curved tusks

workforce noun : all the people who are working or who are available for work in either an area or a company

workout noun : a session of intense physical exercise

worksheet noun : a paper with questions or tasks for a student to complete

workshop noun : a place where manual work is done

World Series noun : the annual championship of U.S. Major League Baseball

wristwatch noun : a watch that is worn on the wrist


walkie-talkie noun : a portable two-way radio

wall cloud noun : a cloud underneath the main cloud of a supercell that usually produces very little rain

wallflower noun : a shy person who has a difficult time mingling at a party

wastewater noun : unclean water that has been used by a home, business, or industry

water clock noun : a bowl that measures time using dripping water

water cycle noun : the series of changes water goes through as it cycles through the environment as a solid, a liquid, or a gas

water pressure noun : the force that water puts on an object

water table noun : the upper surface of groundwater, below which the soil and pores in the rocks are filled with water

water vapor noun : the gaseous state of water

watershed noun : the area of land that catches rain and snowmelt when it flows as runoff

waterspout noun : a whirling, funnel-shaped column of air occurring over water, usually in tropical areas

weather forecast noun : a prediction of expected weather conditions

West Africa noun : a region in the westernmost part of Africa made up of sixteen countries

white light noun : light that seems colorless but contains all the colors of the spectrum

white-collar adjective : a type of work or worker associated with an office or a salaried profession

wind shear noun : a change in wind speed and/or direction within a short distance

window treatment noun : any type of decoration for a window

wire service noun : a news agency that gathers and distributes syndicated news electronically

workhouse noun : a place where people who are poor or dependent live and work in exchange for shelter and food

working class noun : a group of people who do manual work for wages, such as factory workers and miners