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k로 시작하는 동사의 영영풀이

[k로 시작하는 동사의 영영풀이]


keep verb : to hold on to something; to continue doing something

kept verb : the past tense of "keep"; to hold on to something; to continue doing something

kick verb : to strike something with the foot; to move the legs in the air or water in a forceful way

kill verb : to cause the death of something

kiss verb : to touch with the lips as a sign of caring

knew verb : the past tense of "know"; to understand

knock verb : to hit something, sometimes to make noise and attract attention

know verb : to understand


kidnap verb : to use force to take someone away, usually for the purpose of getting money in exchange for his or her release

kill verb : to cancel or remove a story or ad

knead verb : to mix and work dough by folding and pressing it before baking

kneel verb : to support one's weight on one's knees

knelt verb : the past tense of "kneel"; to support one's weight on one's knees

knit verb : to make fabric by interlocking yarn using large needles