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Air Travel 항공여행 영영풀이

[Air Travel 항공여행 영영풀이]



noun : a machine with wings that flies


noun : a place where airplanes and other aircraft take off and land


verb : to look at someone or something to see its condition


noun : a machine with moving parts that uses power to create motion; a motor


noun : a machine with wings that flies


noun : something to sit on


noun : a notice shown in public using symbols or words


noun : a boxlike container with a handle, used to carry clothes on trips

take off

verb : to rise into the air; to leave quickly


noun : a round object that turns around a central point


noun : the flat parts that stick out straight on both sides of an airplane



noun : a person whose job is to provide a special service to customers


noun : a walkway between seats, sections, or shelves


verb : to reach a place


noun : a suitcase or other piece of luggage that is taken on a trip

baggage carousel

noun : a moving belt or large metal bin where suitcases taken off an airplane are delivered to arriving passengers

carry-on bag

noun : a bag that an airline passenger carries on board an airplane


noun : a large open area in an airport where passengers walk to get to their gate

control tower

noun : a tall airport building from which air and runway traffic is directed


noun : the act of leaving on a journey

flight attendant

noun : a person whose job is to take care of the needs of airplane passengers during a flight


noun : an exit from an airport concourse to an airplane


noun : an abbreviation of "identification"; a card or document used to prove your identity


noun : a loading bridge placed next to an aircraft door so passengers can board or disembark

metal detector

noun : a piece of equipment that identifies the presence of metal objects that are hidden or buried

overhead bin

noun : a compartment located above the seats in an airplane, where passengers can store carry-on bags


noun : a person who is riding in a vehicle, not driving or operating it


noun : a government document needed to enter another country


noun : a person who flies an aircraft or spacecraft


noun : a flat, smooth strip of ground where an airplane can take off and land

security checkpoint

noun : the place at an airport where passengers are screened to be sure they are not a danger to others

security guard

noun : a person whose job is to protect something or take care of safety concerns

shuttle bus

noun : a type of ground transportation that travels between certain places on a regular route


noun : a vehicle used for traveling in space


noun : the end of a transportation line, often with a station of some sort; the building at an airport where air passengers leave from or arrive at

ticketing counter

noun : the place at an airport or other transportation station where people buy tickets


baggage claim

noun : the place inside an airport where inbound passengers pick up their luggage

boarding pass

noun : a special ticket that allows a passenger to board an airplane or a ship

moving walkway

noun : a slow-moving surface, similar to a flat escalator, that helps people get places faster in airports

X-ray machine

noun : a machine at an airport that examines bags and other things to search for weapons and other dangerous items; a medical machine that takes pictures of internal parts of a body