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Heart Idioms 마음(heart)이 포함된 숙어 영영풀이

[Heart Idioms 마음(heart)이 포함된 숙어 영영풀이]


change of heart

figure of speech : a change in the way a person feels

follow your heart

figure of speech : to follow feelings, not necessarily reason, to make a decision

heart is in the right place

figure of speech : doing or intending something good, even though the results might be bad

heart is set on

figure of speech : to want something very much

heart of the city

figure of speech : the center or innermost part of a city; the most important or vital part of a city

heart to heart

figure of speech : a serious talk between two people about feelings

sick at heart

figure of speech : sick at heart

wear your heart on your sleeve

figure of speech : to openly show feelings