[w로 시작하는 명사 영영풀이]
noun : a toy cart with four wheels
waist ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the part of the human body between the chest and the hips
walk ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : an act of going somewhere by using one’s legs and feet
wall ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the side of a room or building
wallet ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a small flat, folding case used for holding money and credit cards, usually carried in a pocket or purse
war ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a violent fight between two or more groups or countries
noun : having enough heat but not too much
watch ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a movable tool for telling time that is usually worn around the wrist
water ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a clear liquid that forms oceans, lakes, rivers, and rain
wave ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a curving ridge of water that moves across the top of an ocean or lake
noun : a style or manner of doing something
way ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a certain direction
Wednesday ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the fourth day of the week
week ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a period of time equal to seven days
noun : Friday evening through Sunday evening; the long break between one work week or school week and the next one
well ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a deep hole that is dug into the ground to get water, gas, or oil
west ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the direction of the sunset; the opposite of east
whale ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a very large mammal that lives in the ocean
wheel ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a round object that turns around a central point
white ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a light color; the opposite of black
White House ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the large house where the president of the United States lives and works
wife ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the woman to whom a man is married
wind ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : moving air
window ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : an opening in a building or vehicle, usually covered with glass, for letting in light or air
wing ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : either of the limbs that help insects and birds to fly
wings ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the limbs that help insects and birds fly
wings ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the flat parts that stick out straight on both sides of an airplane
noun : the quick closing and opening of one eye to send a signal
winner ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : somebody or something that wins a competition or game
winter ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the season between fall and spring that is the coldest season of the year
wish ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a strong hope or desire for something to happen
wolf ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a large member of the dog family that usually hunts in a pack
woman ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a grownup girl
women ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : more than one woman
wood ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the hard material under the bark of a tree
wool ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a fabric made from the soft hair of some animals
word ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a sound or group of sounds that mean something and can be written or spoken
work ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a kind of job; a place where a job is done
worker ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a person who works or who does a special kind of work
world ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the Earth and all the people and things on it
worm ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a long, soft animal that has no bones
wrist ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : the joint between the arm and the hand
writer ![](http://www.vocabularya-z.com/vocabweb/img/twhite.gif)
noun : a person who writes stories, articles, books, poems, or other written works
noun : a small mass of soft material; a bundle or bunch of something
noun : a clumsy way of walking with short, swaying steps
noun : a type of cake cooked in a special appliance that forms a grid pattern on the top and bottom
noun : regular payments earned by a worker that are based on the amount of time worked
noun : a load that fills a wagon; a very large amount
noun : a long, loud cry that expresses pain or unhappiness
noun : a man who serves customers at a restaurant
noun : the track or mark left behind by something moving, especially in water
noun : any of many smaller-sized relatives of the kangaroo that have thick, soft fur and pouches
noun : a beating
noun : the large, wrinkled, edible seed of a tree that grows in temperate climates around the world
noun : a swimming mammal similar to a large seal with tusks
noun : a dance performed by a couple to music with a 1-2-3 rhythm; a piece of music written for this style of dance
noun : a long, thin rod or other stick, often thought to have magical powers
noun : the process of growing smaller or weaker
noun : a person whose job is to watch over people or an event and enforce rules
noun : the collection of clothes owned by a person
noun : a large building for storing raw materials or goods that will be shipped or sold
noun : items for sale
noun : the action and activities of war and battle
noun : something that tells of a possible danger or problem
noun : vertical threads that are the foundation of a woven piece
noun : a written order granting permission to arrest a person or search a place
Warren Harding
noun : twenty-ninth U.S. president (1865-1923)
noun : a person who has fought or is fighting in a war
noun : a small, hard growth on the skin that is caused by a virus
noun : a dry streambed where water only flows during part of the year
noun : a bowl used for washing
noun : an appliance used for washing clothes and linens
washing machine
noun : a machine for washing clothes, linens, and similar things
noun : a U.S. state in the Northwest, just north of Oregon (capital: Olympia)
Washington Monument
noun : a large, tall white pillar in Washington, D.C., built to honor George Washington, the first U.S. president
Washington, D.C.
noun : the capital city of the United States
noun : a flying, stinging insect related to bees and ants that has a narrow waist
noun : an instance of using or doing something carelessly or for no reason
noun : solid matter passed out of the body of an animal
noun : a thing that is thrown away, not wanted, or useless
water hole
noun : a low place in the ground that holds water when it rains
water lily
noun : a freshwater plant whose leaves and flowers float on the surface of water
water pollution
noun : the presence of toxic substances in Earth's bodies of water
water strider
noun : a long-legged insect that can move on the surface of water
noun : a painting made with water-based paints
noun : a stream of water that falls over the edge of something, especially from a high place
noun : ducks, geese, swans, and other water birds
Watergate scandal
noun : a break-in at the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., in 1972
noun : a special picture on paper, including currency, that is visible when held up to light
noun : a large fruit with green skin that is red and watery inside
noun : a body of water that ships can use
noun : a measure of the rate at which electrical energy is being used
noun : a flap of skin that hangs from the neck of some animals
noun : the transfer of energy as it travels away from an energy source
noun : the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of a wave
noun : a sticky, moldable substance produced by honeybees or a similar substance
noun : the process of growing bigger
noun : the condition of lacking strength; a fault
noun : richness; having a lot of money
noun : an instrument used in hunting or fighting
noun : tiredness, most often from lack of sleep or from hard physical or mental effort
noun : a small, slender, carnivorous mammal with short legs
noun : the conditions in the atmosphere, such as temperature, clouds, rain, or wind; a description of such conditions in the atmosphere
noun : the process of wearing away or otherwise changing Earth's surface by exposure to natural forces
noun : a man who announces the weather for a television or radio station
noun : a person who makes fabric out of yarn, thread, or other material, often using a loom
noun : a net of silk threads made by a spider to catch prey
webbed feet
noun : feet with toes that are joined by thin skin
noun : a website with an online journal where you can post comments for anybody to read
noun : one or more linked webpages on the Internet that provide information about a person, topic, or organization
noun : a simple machine with one narrow or pointed end and one wide end; used to separate two objects or parts
noun : a wild plant that grows where it is not wanted and often competes with other plants
noun : horizontal threads interlaced between the warp of a woven piece
noun : how heavy something is, determined by the pull of gravity on the object’s mass
noun : the condition of not seeming to weigh anything
noun : a competitive sport in which people attempt to lift the heaviest weight
noun : help given in the form of money or care, especially by the government, to help poor or disadvantaged people
noun : the state of health, happiness, and good fortune of a person, group or organization
noun : a mythical person who sometimes changes into a wolf
West Virginia
noun : a U.S. state classified in the South or Midwest, just south of eastern Ohio (capital: Charleston)
noun : a story about life in the western United States, particularly in the late 1800s
noun : an area of land that is marshy or swampy
noun : the loud noise made by a hard blow
noun : a place where ships can tie up and load or unload
noun : a type of grain ground into flour to make bread, pasta, and many desserts
noun : a one-wheeled cart containing a lever and a wheel and axle
noun : a chair with large wheels attached that is used by a person who is disabled or very weak
noun : a scent that is only smelled faintly or quickly
noun : a type of neck injury caused by an intense jerk to the head
noun : the sound made by something spinning very fast
whirligig beetle
noun : a small water beetle with two pairs of eyes that is known for swimming in circles on the surface of water
noun : a powerful, swirling current of water that can pull things into it
noun : a column of air that rotates in a circular shape
noun : the long, stiff hairs that grow on the face of some animals, usually near the mouth
noun : a clear, high sound made by forcing air out through mostly closed lips or teeth; a similar sound made by the wind or by a bird or machine
noun : a condition during a severe blizzard when visibility is very limited and everything looks white
whole grain
noun : a food made with the entire kernel of barley, corn, oats, wheat, rye, or other type of grain
whole number
noun : any number that is not a fraction or decimal
noun : a loud cry that expresses excitement or joy
noun : the cord or piece of material in a candle, lighter, or lamp that is lit and holds a flame
noun : flexible twigs woven together to make baskets and furniture
noun : a woman whose husband has died and who has not remarried
noun : a man whose wife has died and who has not remarried
noun : a measurement from side to side, or across
wild card
noun : a player or team chosen to take part in a competition after the other competitors have qualified
noun : a small cat, native to parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, that is considered to be the ancestor of the domestic cat
noun : a large, oxlike African antelope with a long, tufted tail
noun : wild land in its natural state or condition
noun : wild animals that live in their natural habitats
noun : a strong determination or resolve to accomplish something
William Henry Harrison
noun : ninth U.S. president (1773-1841)
William Howard Taft
noun : twenty-seventh U.S. president (1857-1930)
William McKinley
noun : twenty-fifth U.S. president (1843-1901)
Williams sisters
noun : tennis players (Serena [1981-present] and Venus [1980-present])
noun : a tree or shrub that usually has narrow leaves and grows near water
noun : a crank with a handle used to lift or pull something
noun : a fence, a row of trees, or another structure that provides protection from wind
noun : a machine with rotating blades that uses wind to generate power
noun : the main air passage that connects the throat to the lungs; the trachea
noun : the movement a pitcher goes through before releasing the ball
noun : an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice
noun : the distance from tip to tip of a pair of wings
noun : a thin thread or rod made of metal
noun : a U.S. state in the Upper Midwest, just north of Illinois (capital: Madison)
noun : great knowledge and sense
noun : a talent for using words and ideas in clever and amusing ways
noun : a woman believed to have magical powers
noun : the act of taking money out of a bank account, or the amount of money taken out
noun : a person who has seen an event happen, such as a crime, accident, or ceremony
noun : a person who answers questions while under oath in a court of law
noun : the ability to think clearly
noun : a character in a legend or fairy tale who has magical powers
noun : bad luck; pain and sorrow
noun : a bowl-shaped frying pan often used in Chinese cooking
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
noun : composer (1756-1791)
noun : an unusual or amazing person, object, or event
noun : a small mammal with a heavy body and short legs
noun : a bird with a strong bill for pecking at tree trunks
Woodrow Wilson
noun : twenty-eighth U.S. president (1856-1924)
noun : a small forest
noun : instruments such as flutes, clarinets, oboes, and bassoons that are played when the player blows air against a sharp edge or through a reed
noun : the skill or activity of making things out of wood
noun : soft, curly hair on a sheep or goat; cloth made from this hair
noun : soft, curly hair on a sheep or goat
woolly mammoth
noun : a large extinct elephant that had a shaggy coat and curved tusks
noun : the act of using force to move something over a certain distance
work boots
noun : tall, tough shoes for working at a construction job
noun : all the people who are working or who are available for work in either an area or a company
working dog
noun : a member of a group of dogs bred to perform jobs such as protecting, rescuing, and pulling
noun : a session of intense physical exercise
noun : a paper with questions or tasks for a student to complete
noun : a place where manual work is done
World Series
noun : the annual championship of U.S. Major League Baseball
World Trade Center
noun : a complex of buildings in New York City that was destroyed by the September 11 terrorist attacks
noun : the act of showing love, honor, and respect for a god or other supernatural being
noun : the value of something; an amount of something equal to a specific sum of money
noun : an injury that involves a cut in bodily tissue
noun : a person on a cattle drive who kept track of extra horses; an animal handler
noun : a circular arrangement of leaves, flowers, or twigs used as a decoration
noun : a crash of a vehicle or vessel; the remains of something that has been badly damaged or destroyed
noun : the broken remains of something that has been ruined or badly damaged
noun : a small songbird with short wings
noun : a tool with a handle and a gripping end used to twist objects such as nuts and bolts
noun : a competitive sport in which two opponents fight by gripping each other using special holds to force the other's shoulders onto a mat
Wright brothers
noun : inventors and aviators (Wilbur [1867-1912] and Orville [1871-1948])
noun : a fold on the surface of something, especially on skin or a piece of clothing
noun : a watch that is worn on the wrist
noun : written words; text
noun : the act of forming words, numbers, or musical notes on something
Wynton Marsalis
noun : jazz trumpeter and composer (1961-present)
noun : a U.S. state in the West, just south of Montana (capital: Cheyenne)
noun : a portable two-way radio
wall cloud
noun : a cloud underneath the main cloud of a supercell that usually produces very little rain
noun : a shy person who has a difficult time mingling at a party
War of 1812
noun : a war between the United States and Great Britain in North America over Britain's right to rule Canada
warning coloration
noun : a kind of camouflage that tells other animals that an animal tastes bad or is poisonous
noun : unclean water that has been used by a home, business, or industry
water clock
noun : a bowl that measures time using dripping water
water cycle
noun : the series of changes water goes through as it cycles through the environment as a solid, a liquid, or a gas
water molecule
noun : a small particle of water, made up of hydrogen and oxygen
water pressure
noun : the force that water puts on an object
water table
noun : the upper surface of groundwater, below which the soil and pores in the rocks are filled with water
water vapor
noun : the gaseous state of water
noun : the area of land that catches rain and snowmelt when it flows as runoff
noun : a whirling, funnel-shaped column of air occurring over water, usually in tropical areas
weather forecast
noun : a prediction of expected weather conditions
weather satellite
noun : an artificial satellite that monitors Earth's climate and weather
West Africa
noun : a region in the westernmost part of Africa made up of sixteen countries
Westward Expansion
noun : the claiming of territory in the eastern part of North America by the early Europeans and Americans
noun : a Wampanoag house built from ash or cedar saplings bent into an arch and covered with bark
wheel and axle
noun : a round object that turns around a pin or pole; a type of simple machine
noun : a card game played by two teams of two players each
white light
noun : light that seems colorless but contains all the colors of the spectrum
noun : a wireless network for sending information over the Internet
noun : a dome-shaped hut traditionally made by some Native Americans from animal skins or sheets of bark laid over a pole frame
wildlife refuge
noun : an area set aside for the protection and preservation of wild animals
wind energy
noun : the energy of moving air, which can be harnessed as a power source
wind resistance
noun : the force of air pushing against a moving object
wind shear
noun : a change in wind speed and/or direction within a short distance
window treatment
noun : any type of decoration for a window
wire service
noun : a news agency that gathers and distributes syndicated news electronically
noun : a burrowing mammal with a pouch and short legs that looks similar to a small bear
noun : a place where people who are poor or dependent live and work in exchange for shelter and food
working class
noun : a group of people who do manual work for wages, such as factory workers and miners
World War I
noun : a war between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers (1914-1918)
World War II
noun : a global war with Germany, Italy, and Japan against Britain, France, the United States, Russia, and other nations (1939-1945)
World Wide Web
noun : an Internet-based information system that allows users to quickly move between webpages
Wounded Knee Massacre
noun : an 1890 confrontation between U.S troops and Lakota Sioux during which 300 Sioux were killed