
Compound Words: h로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

kdom(케이돔) 2014. 10. 24. 14:39

[Compound Words: h로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


half dollar noun : a coin used in the United States and Canada that is worth fifty cents

hot chocolate other : a hot drink made by mixing water or milk with chocolate


hairstylist noun : a person who cuts and styles hair for a living

half dozen noun : a set of six

half hour noun : a period of 30 minutes; one half of an hour

half moon noun : the phase of the Moon halfway between a full moon and a new moon

half-brother noun : a brother with whom you have one parent in common instead of two

half-sister noun : a sister with whom you have one parent in common instead of two

halfway adverb : at a place or time in the middle of two other places or times

hallway noun : a connecting passage with doors leading to other rooms

handball noun : a game played in a walled court that involves hitting a ball with the hand

handcuffs noun : a pair of metal rings locked around a prisoner's wrists

handlebars noun : the bars used to steer a bike or motorcycle

hang glider noun : an unpowered aircraft for one person, made of a rigid frame with a large cloth covering the top

hangdog adjective : sad or guilty

hangout noun : a slang word for a place where people, often teenagers, spend time

hard hat noun : a covering made of metal or plastic to protect the head

hardworking adjective : having a willingness and dedication to work hard and do a good job

haystack noun : a pile of tightly-packed hay

haywire adjective : unpredictable; unexpected; out of control

headdress noun : a piece of clothing worn on the head, often for a festival or other special occasion

headland noun : a narrow area of high land that sticks out from a coastline into the ocean

headline noun : a brief heading or summary printed at the top of an article in a newspaper, usually in large, bold letters

headliner noun : a performer who is the lead attraction in a show with multiple performers

headquarters noun : the main office of an organization

headset noun : a set of headphones, usually with an attached microphone

headstone noun : a stone placed at a grave, usually bearing the name of the person who has died

headwaters noun : the waters from which a river begins

hedgehog noun : a small mammal that is covered with spines

hedgerow noun : a wall-like row of bushes or plants

helter-skelter adverb : in a confused and careless way

hereby adverb : by means of this act, words, or document

herewith adverb : along with this

hermit crab noun : a crab with a soft abdomen that lives in an old shell for protection

herself pronoun : a word used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal that has already been mentioned

high heels noun : women's shoes that have tall, thin heels

high school noun : a school that includes grades 9 or 10 through 12

high-tech adjective : using complex technology

highlands noun : areas with many mountains; land that is high above sea level

highlight verb : to call attention to something; to mark with a color

highlight noun : the most memorable, important, or exciting part of an experience or event

highway noun : a main road

himself pronoun : a word used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal that has already been mentioned

hip hop noun : a cultural movement and musical style that began with urban African Americans in the early 1970s

hitchhike verb : to travel by riding for free in passing vehicles

home page noun : the main page of a website

homeland noun : the region or country where a person is born

homesick adjective : missing one's home or family while away from it

homespun adjective : humble; from a simple rural background

homestead noun : a house and the land around it

homework noun : schoolwork that is done at home

Homo sapiens noun : the scientific name for the group to which all modern human beings belong

honeycomb noun : layers of cells that form a beehive

honeymoon noun : a vacation that a newly married couple takes together

honeysuckle noun : a shrub or vine with fragrant white, yellow, or pink tubular flowers

hopscotch noun : a children's game that involves hopping into squares drawn on the ground to get a tossed stone or other object

horseback riding noun : a competitive sport in which people ride horses in events that feature the horse's athletic ability and training

horsepower noun : a unit of power equal to 746 watts

horseradish noun : a plant in the cabbage family that is grown for its pungent white root

horseradish noun : a condiment made from a pungent, white root of a plant in the cabbage family of the same name

horseshoe crab noun : a type of arthropod also called a limulus

hot dog noun : a smooth sausage often served on a bun with condiments on top

hot spring noun : water that is naturally heated underground and comes out of the Earth's surface

hour hand noun : the shorter of the two hands on a clock or watch that points to the hour

hourglass noun : a device used for measuring time in which sand flows from one glass chamber into another, used to measure one hour

houseboat noun : a boat that people can use as a home

houseplant noun : a plant that is kept indoors

however adverb : by contrast; no matter how

hummingbird noun : a tiny bird that can hover and fly backward

hybrid car noun : a fuel-efficient car that uses an electric motor that is recharged by a conventional engine


hard drive noun : the physical part of a computer that stores documents, applications, and other information

hardware noun : the machines, cables, and other physical parts of a computer

hate crime noun : a crime motivated by prejudice, intolerance, or hatred of a group of people, not an individual

hearing aid noun : a device worn to help a person hear better by increasing the volume of sounds

high winds noun : very strong moving air

historical fiction noun : a piece of written work in which the characters are fictional, but the setting and details are rooted in historical fact

horizontal axis noun : the horizontal, or left-to-right, number line in graphing

hornbill noun : a tropical bird with a very large beak that may have a bony or horny structure on it

hot spot noun : a place in the Earth's crust where hot, molten rock rises close to the surface

human resources noun : people who do physical or mental work to produce goods or services; labor

human rights noun : the rights that are considered by most societies to belong automatically to all people, including the rights to justice, freedom, and equality