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b로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이

[b로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이]



bad adjective : not good; awful

bent adjective : crooked or curved

best adjective : better than others

better adjective : more than good; finer

big adjective : large in size; not little

bigger adjective : more big

black adjective : of the darkest color

blue adjective : having the color of the sky on a sunny day

bold adjective : standing out; easily noticed

born adjective : brought into life

bossy adjective : fond of giving orders and telling people what to do

both adjective : two things together

brave adjective : having courage when facing something scary, hard, or painful

brick adjective : made from a small rectangular block of clay that is used to build things

bright adjective : full of light

broken adjective : damaged or not working right

brown adjective : having the dark color of chocolate, coffee, and dirt

busy adjective : having a lot to do; full of activity

butterfly adjective : referring to an insect with four wings that are bright in color


bacterial adjective : caused by or having to do with bacteria

balanced adjective : in a state in which equal and opposite forces cancel each other out

balancing adjective : having the goal or effect of bringing something into greater balance

bald adjective : lacking hair on one's scalp

Baltic adjective : of or relating to a large sea in northern Europe that lies south of the Scandinavian Peninsula

bankrupt adjective : legally unable to pay one's debts

barbecued adjective : cooked over an open flame in a highly seasoned sauce

bare adjective : not covered

barren adjective : lacking vegetation

bashful adjective : shy

basic adjective : something necessary or fundamental

bass adjective : the lowest of the range of pitches produced by an instrument or a voice

BC adjective : the abbreviation for "before Christ"

beautiful adjective : very pleasing to look at, listen to, or touch

belated adjective : late; happening or coming later than it should have

beloved adjective : loved dearly

beneficial adjective : having a positive, useful, or favorable effect

bewildered adjective : uncertain or confused

biannual adjective : happening twice a year

biased adjective : having or showing unfair support for one opinion, group, or set of beliefs over another

biennial adjective : taking place every other year

bilingual adjective : able to speak two languages easily

billowing adjective : rising in big waves

biodegradable adjective : capable of being decomposed or broken down by microorganisms, such as bacteria

biological adjective : having to do with biology or organisms that are living; related by blood

bitter adjective : having a harsh, bad taste

bizarre adjective : very weird or unusual

bland adjective : lacking distinct flavor; uninteresting

blaring adjective : making a loud, harsh sound

bleached adjective : made lighter or white from exposure to sunlight or as a result of a chemical process

bleak adjective : bare, dreary, or otherwise unfavorable

blind adjective : unable to see

blinding adjective : so bright or otherwise extreme as to interfere with a person's vision or thinking

blissful adjective : extremely happy

blond adjective : light yellow, a color of hair or wood

blooming adjective : flowering; flourishing

bluish adjective : somewhat blue

blunt adjective : having an edge or point that is dull, worn down, or rounded

blurry adjective : to make or become unclear

blustery adjective : very windy

boastful adjective : speaking about one's abilities, achievements, or possessions with superiority or excessive pride

boggy adjective : wet and squishy, like the ground in a swamp or bog

bold adjective : ready to face danger

bonny adjective : beautiful; attractive

bony adjective : skinny and hard, like bones

bored adjective : feeling restless or unhappy as a result of having nothing to do or being uninterested in an activity

boring adjective : not exciting or interesting

bothered adjective : worried, annoyed, or disturbed

bothersome adjective : causing worry, impatience, or anger

bountiful adjective : abundant; in large amounts

braided adjective : having three or more stands of something woven together

brambly adjective : covered with thorn bushes

brass adjective : of or relating to metal instruments that are played by means of a cup-shaped or funnel-shaped mouthpiece such as trumpets, trombones, horns, and tubas

brazen adjective : boldly defiant

breathtaking adjective : shockingly beautiful or delightful

breezy adjective : slightly windy

brilliant adjective : exceptionally intelligent, talented, or clever

brilliant adjective : very bright or striking; radiant

brisk adjective : fresh, in a stimulating way; fast

British adjective : of or relating to Great Britain and its people

brittle adjective : likely to break or snap

broad adjective : wide

broadleaf adjective : having wide, flat leaves

broke adjective : having no money

bruised adjective : having a black-and-blue mark on the skin

brutal adjective : extremely difficult to cope with; harsh

brute adjective : very strong; animal like

bubbly adjective : full of bubbles

budding adjective : forming buds--small growths on a plant that turn into flowers, leaves, or shoots

bulky adjective : having a size or shape that makes something difficult to hold, carry, or store; large

bully adjective : exceptionally good; outstanding

bumbling adjective : clumsy; inept

bumpy adjective : not smooth

buoyant adjective : able to float

bustling adjective : moving in a rushed, noisy manner

buttery adjective : having or containing a large amount of butter


beleaguered adjective : harassed; worn out

benign adjective : not a threat to life or long-term health

bioluminescent adjective : glowing with light from chemical reactions made by living things

biotic adjective : having to do with the living things in an ecological setting

biracial adjective : concerning or descended from members of two different races

blue-collar adjective : a type of work or worker associated with manual or technical labor

brackish adjective : having a combination of fresh and salt water

brilliant adjective : a style in which a diamond may be cut

broadband adjective : being part of or relating to a high-speed computer network