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i로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이

[i로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이]


icy adjective : covered with ice or made of ice

its adjective : owned by, or having to do with, an animal or a thing


ideal adjective : perfect; couldn't be better

identical adjective : exactly the same

idle adjective : not active or busy

ignorant adjective : not having knowledge about something

ignored adjective : neglected

ill adjective : not in normal health; sick

illegal adjective : against or forbidden by a law or rule

illiterate adjective : unable to read and write

illustrated adjective : having drawings, paintings, or other artwork

imaginable adjective : able to be seen in your mind

imaginary adjective : not real; pretend

immediate adjective : happening right away without delay

immense adjective : very large

immortal adjective : not subject to death: living forever

immune adjective : protected from a disease

impassable adjective : impossible to travel on or through

impatient adjective : annoyed at having to wait to do something

important adjective : having a lot of meaning or value

imposed adjective : required by an authority, such as a law or tax

impossible adjective : unable to happen

impressed adjective : strongly affected, especially in a positive way

impressive adjective : causing one to feel admiration, awe, or respect

improper adjective : not correct, suitable, or appropriate

improvised adjective : made up or created in the moment

inaccessible adjective : impossible or hard to reach

inadequate adjective : not sufficient for a task

inclined adjective : having a tendency toward a certain viewpoint or action

incompatible adjective : unable to coexist without trouble or conflict; unable to work together

incredible adjective : so unusual or extreme as to be impossible or hard to believe; amazing

indebted adjective : owing money or gratitude

independent adjective : self-governing

Indian adjective : of or relating to the country of India and its people

indifferent adjective : unconcerned; uninterested

individual adjective : of, for, or typical of one person or thing

industrial adjective : having to do with the creation of goods, especially using machines, automation, and technology

industrious adjective : hard-working

inevitable adjective : certain to take place

inexpensive adjective : not costing much money

infamous adjective : famous for being evil, bad, or dangerous

infected adjective : sickened by a disease-causing organism or substance

infectious adjective : referring to diseases that can spread from one organism to another

inferior adjective : lower in quality or rank

infested adjective : containing dangerous or troublesome things

infinite adjective : endless; going on forever

inflatable adjective : eeding to be filled with air before use

influential adjective : having the power to shape events

informal adjective : having a relaxed or unofficial style

informational adjective : something that gives ideas, facts, and principles

informative adjective : instructive; educational

informed adjective : having knowledge or education

inherited adjective : received from parents, grandparents, or older ancestors

inhospitable adjective : harsh, unwelcoming, challenging to live in

initial adjective : being or happening at the beginning

injured adjective : having suffered damage or harm to a part of one's body

inner adjective : located on or nearer to the inside or middle of something

innocent adjective : not guilty or harmful; pure

inorganic adjective : not having to do with or coming from living organisms

inquiring adjective : curious; seeking or asking for information

inseparable adjective : impossible to separate; usually together

insignificant adjective : lacking in importance, meaning, worth, or size

inspiring adjective : encouraging a person to act

insulated adjective : covered with a material that keeps electricity, heat, cold, or sound out or in

intact adjective : still put together; not broken or damaged

intelligent adjective : smart or clever

intense adjective : extreme, forceful, or existing to a high degree

intensive adjective : in-depth

intent adjective : intense, focused, and determined

interactive adjective : created to respond to input from a user or involving a connection to other people

interconnected adjective : connected with many things in many ways

interdependent adjective : dependent on each other, as in people, groups, or organisms in an ecosystem

interesting adjective : something that is curious or attention-getting

interior adjective : having to do with the inner part of something

intermediate adjective : coming between two other things in place, time, or order

internal adjective : of, relating to, or occurring on the inside of something

international adjective : concerning two or more nations, or countries

interstellar adjective : of or occurring in the deep space between stars

intimidated adjective : feeling frightened or overwhelmed

intolerable adjective : unable to be tolerated, or endured

intricate adjective : very detailed or complicated; complex

intrigued adjective : very curious

invaluable adjective : so helpful or useful that it cannot be priced

invasive adjective : related to moving into a new area or body with harmful or disruptive effect; not native

invigorated adjective : full of energy

invisible adjective : unable to be seen

involuntary adjective : automatic; not done or given by choice

inward adjective : on or toward the inside

irrational adjective : not making logical sense

irresistible adjective : impossible to resist; compelling

irresponsible adjective : lacking a sense of responsibility

irreversible adjective : unable to be reversed or turned around; permanent

isolated adjective : far away from other people or things


impending adjective : about to happen; threatening to occur soon


adjective : unable to be pierced


adjective : having to do with royalty or an absolute ruler of an empire


adjective : unable to allow liquids or gases to pass through

implacable adjective : incapable of being soothed or softened


adjective : marking the beginning of something (in the United States, it often refers to the start of a president's term)

incandescent adjective : giving off light after being heated to a very high temperature


adjective : difficult to control; not open to correction


adjective : not believing


adjective : difficult or impossible to understand

indentured adjective : a contract requiring a person to work for another for a certain period of time, often without pay


adjective : native to a particular place


adjective : absolutely necessary

innovative adjective : creating something new and original

interpersonal adjective : having to do with relationships or communication between two or more people

intertidal adjective : having to with the area of a seashore between the high-tide mark and the low-tide mark

intimate adjective : most personal; private

intracellular adjective : existing within cells

intrusive adjective : related to something that disturbs, disrupts, or invades

irascible adjective : easily angered

iridescent adjective : having rainbowlike colors that vary in different lights or from different angles

ironic adjective : describing the opposite of what is expected, such as a twist in a story in which something turns out to be the opposite of what it seems

irrevocable adjective : unable to be taken back or undone