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t로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이

[t로 시작하는 형용사의 영영풀이]


tall adjective : measuring a great height; not short

ten adjective : being one more than nine and one less than eleven; 10

that adjective : pointing out a certain person or thing

their adjective : belonging to them; belonging to other people

these adjective : certain things

thick adjective : having sides that are far apart; heavy or dense

thin adjective : not thick; not wide

third adjective : coming after two others

thirsty adjective : feeling a need or desire to drink

this adjective : pointing out a certain person or thing

those adjective : certain things over there

three adjective : being one more than two and one less than four; 3

tiny adjective : very small

tired adjective : in need of rest or sleep

true adjective : real; not pretend or false; agreeing with the facts

two adjective : being one more than one and one less than three; 2


tacky adjective : slightly sticky

tainted adjective : decayed or rotten

talented adjective : having a natural skill for something

talkative adjective : fond of talking

talking adjective : using words to speak or discuss

tame adjective : not wild; controlled or cared for by humans

tandem adjective : done with two people or two things together

tangled adjective : twisted or knotted together in a messy way

tangy adjective : having a sharp flavor or odor

tardy adjective : not on time

tart adjective : having a sharp taste; sour

tasteless adjective : having no flavor

tasty adjective : full of enjoyable flavor

tattered adjective : torn, old, and in poor condition

taut adjective : stretched tightly; without any slack

tawny adjective : orange-brown or yellowish-brown

technical adjective : of or relating to the techniques of a certain field, often one that involves mechanical or industrial tasks

tedious adjective : boring and time consuming

telltale adjective : indicating or revealing something that would otherwise be hidden

temperate adjective : having to do with a climate or region that has moderate, or mild, temperatures

temporary adjective : lasting for a limited amount of time

tender adjective : soft and easy to chew but not mushy; easily crushed or bruised

tense adjective : nervous, anxious, or tight

tentative adjective : not yet decided; hesitant

tenth adjective : coming after nine others; one of ten equal parts; 1/10

terraced adjective : having wide, flat steps

terrestrial adjective : living on the ground

terrible adjective : extremely bad

terrific adjective : wonderful; huge

terrified adjective : greatly frightened

territorial adjective : relating to behavior used to guard or defend territory

thankful adjective : feeling grateful or relieved

thieving adjective : stealing

thousandth adjective : coming after 999 others, 1,000th; one of 1,000 equal parts, 1/1,000

threadbare adjective : worn so much that individual threads begin to show; tattered

threatened adjective : at risk of becoming endangered

three-quarters adjective : three of four equal parts

thrifty adjective : being careful in how one spends money and other resources

thrilled adjective : feeling very excited or pleased

thrilling adjective : causing sudden excitement or pleasure

thunderous adjective : very loud; relating to thunder

thy adjective : an old form of "your"

tidal adjective : of or relating to ocean tides

tidy adjective : neat and orderly

tight adjective : firmly closed; close-fitting

tilted adjective : slanted, not straight

timely adjective : in time; when it is needed

timid adjective : lacking courage or self-confidence

tiresome adjective : causing boredom or irritation

toasty adjective : warm in a cozy or comfortable way

tough adjective : strong; difficult; hard to chew; able to withstand rough treatment

towering adjective : enormously tall or intense

toxic adjective : poisonous; dangerous to life

traditional adjective : having to do with a long-established custom

tragic adjective : very unfortunate

tranquil adjective : calm

translucent adjective : not clear, but allowing some light to pass through

transparent adjective : allowing all light through so that images are not distorted

traumatic adjective : very damaging or disturbing, either mentally or physically

treacherous adjective : dangerous or hazardous

treble adjective : the highest of the range of pitches made by an instrument or a voice

tremendous adjective : very great in size, amount, strength, or excitement

triple adjective : three of something similar or alike

triumphant adjective : joyous because of recent success

trivial adjective : unimportant

tropical adjective : of, or occurring in, the geographic region around the equator that has a generally hot, humid climate

troublesome adjective : causing annoyance or difficulty

troubling adjective : causing distress or worry

trusting adjective : tending to believe in a person's honesty or good intentions

trustworthy adjective : honest; easily trusted

twinkling adjective : to shine in a way that seems to switch between brighter and dimmer

typical adjective : normal or usual for a person or thing


tactile adjective : having to do with the sense of touch

three-dimensional adjective : having height, width, and depth; 3D

torpid adjective : lazy or slow; having no physical or mental energy

two-dimensional adjective : having height and width, but no depth