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e로 시작하는 부사 영영풀이

[e로 시작하는 부사 영영풀이]


early adverb : before the usual or expected time

else adverb : in a different manner; in a way that is not alike

even adverb : although; though it may surprise you

ever adverb : at any time

everywhere adverb : in all places


easily adverb : without any trouble

efficiently adverb : in a way that makes good use of time or resources

elaborately adverb : in a way that has or shows many parts and details

elsewhere adverb : in, at, or to a different place

enough adverb : in the amount needed; to a level that makes something possible

enthusiastically adverb : in a way that shows intense enjoyment

especially adverb : mainly; more than all others

eventually adverb : finally; after a long delay

exactly adverb : with complete accuracy; precisely

excitedly adverb : in an eager or enthusiastic manner

exclusively adverb : only; leaving out all others


emphatically adverb : strongly; with great belief