본문 바로가기


중3영어③(천재교육-김진완) 목차(쪽수 표시)

Unit 1 How Do You Use Your Time?

Warm Up  8

Listen and Speak ①  10

Listen and Speak ②  12

Communication Task  14

Before You Read  15

Read  16

After You Read  19

Focus on Language  20

Writing Workshop  22

Think Outside the Box  24

Understand Cultures  25

Wrap Up  26



Unit 2 New Cultures, New Friends!

Warm Up  28

Listen and Speak ①  30

Listen and Speak ②  32

Communication Task  34

Before You Read  35

Read  36    

After You Read  39

Focus on Language  40

Writing Workshop  42

Think Outside the Box  44

Understand Cultures  45

Wrap Up  46



Unit 3 What a Great Idea!

Warm Up  48

Listen and Speak ①  50

Listen and Speak ②  52

Communication Task  54

Before You Read  55

Read  56

After You Read  61

Focus on Language  62

Writing Workshop  64

Think Outside the Box  66

Understand Cultures  67

Wrap Up  68



Unit 4 Do You Really Need It?

Warm Up  70

Listen and Speak ①  72

Listen and Speak ②  74

Communication Task  76

Before You Read  77

Read  78

After You Read  81

Focus on Language  82

Writing Workshop  84

Think Outside the Box  86

Understand Cultures  87

Wrap Up  88



Unit 5 Friends Forever

Warm Up  90

Listen and Speak ①  92

Listen and Speak ②  94

Communication Task  96

Before You Read  97

Read  98

After You Read  101

Focus on Language  102

Writing Workshop  104

Think Outside the Box  106

Understand Cultures  107

Wrap Up  108



Special Unit 1. A Happy Man's Shirt

Before You Read  110

Read  112

After You Read  117



Unit 6 Be a Good Traveler

Warm Up  118

Listen and Speak ①  120

Listen and Speak ②  122

Communication Task  124

Before You Read  125

Read  126

After You Read  129

Focus on Language  130

Writing Workshop  132

Think Outside the Box  134

Understand Cultures  135

Wrap Up  136



Unit 7 Treasures for All Koreans

Warm Up  138

Listen and Speak ①  140

Listen and Speak ②  142

Communication Task  144

Before You Read  145

Read  146

After You Read  151

Focus on Language  152

Writing Workshop  154

Think Outside the Box  156

Understand Cultures  157

Wrap Up  158



Unit 8 Science Is Everywhere

Warm Up  160

Listen and Speak ①  162

Listen and Speak ②  164

Communication Task  166

Before You Read  167

Read  168

After You Read  173

Focus on Language  174

Writing Workshop  176

Think Outside the Box  178

Understand Cultures  179

Wrap Up  180



Unit 9 Nature's Way of Life

Warm Up  182

Listen and Speak ①  184

Listen and Speak ②  186

Communication Task  188

Before You Read  189

Read  190

After You Read  195

Focus on Language  196

Writing Workshop  198

Think Outside the Box  200

Understand Cultures  201

Wrap Up  202



Unit 10 So Long, Middle School

Warm Up  204

Listen and Speak ①  206

Listen and Speak ②  208

Communication Task  210

Before You Read  211

Read  212

After You Read  217

Focus on Language  218

Writing Workshop  220

Think Outside the Box  222

Understand Cultures  223

Wrap Up  224



Special Unit 2. The Power of Kindness

Before You Read  227

Read  228

After You Read  233