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Compound Words: b로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: b로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


babysitter noun : a person who takes care of one or more children while parents are away from home

backpack noun : a bag for carrying things that has shoulder straps

baseball noun : a game played between two teams with a bat and ball on a field

baseball noun : a hard, white ball used to play baseball

basketball noun : a game played between two teams with a ball on a court

bathroom noun : a room with a sink and toilet, and sometimes a bathtub or shower

bathtub noun : a large tub you sit in to wash your body

bedroom noun : a room for sleeping that has a bed

birthday noun : the day someone is born; the yearly celebration of that day

breakfast noun : the first meal of the day

bulletin board noun : a board for hanging notes

bullfrog noun : a very large meat-eating frog that makes a deep croaking noise

bus stop noun : a place where a bus stops to pick people up or drop people off

butterfly adjective : referring to an insect with four wings that are bright in color

butterfly noun : an insect with four wings that are bright in color


backboard noun : the vertical board in back of a basketball hoop

backbone noun : a column of bones that provides the main support for a vertebrate's body; the backbone, or vertebral column

backdrop noun : the scenery behind characters during a part of a movie or play

background noun : the scenery or area behind the main object being focused on

backyard noun : an area behind a house that belongs to the owner(s) of the house

baking powder noun : a white powder used in baking that makes baked goods light and fluffy

ballpoint noun : a pen that has a small metal ball for a writing point

ballroom noun : a large hall built for dancing

Band-Aid noun : a sticky bandage with a gauze pad in the middle

bar graph noun : a chart that uses bars of different heights to represent numbers

bareback adverb : on the back of an unsaddled horse or animal

baseboard noun : a narrow wooden board that runs along the bottom of an inside wall

basswood noun : a tree with large heart-shaped leaves and yellowish flowers

bathrobe noun : a long, loose piece of clothing worn over pajamas or before or after taking a bath or shower

battering ram noun : a reinforced log with a metal head used to break down a castle's gate

battery pack noun : an object that converts chemical energy into electric energy

battlefield noun : the location or area where a fight or conflict takes place

beanstalk noun : the stem of a bean plant

bedbug noun : a brown, crawling, parasitic insect that grows to be about the size of an apple seed

bedrock noun : a layer of solid rock underneath the ground's surface

bedspread noun : the top covering of a bed, often decorative

beehive noun : a structure in which some kinds of honeybees live and raise their young

beeline noun : a straight line or direct route between two places

bellhop noun : a hotel attendant who carries people's luggage and performs other tasks

belt buckle noun : a piece of metal or plastic, often decorated, that is used to fasten a belt

best seller noun : a book or other item that is extremely successful and sells in large numbers

billboard noun : a large, outdoor sign used for advertising

billfold noun : a thin wallet

billy goat noun : a male goat

birthmark noun : a brown or red mark on a person's skin, usually present at birth

birthrate noun : the number of babies born in a population within a specific period of time

Black Hills noun : a mountain range in South Dakota and Wyoming

black hole noun : a region of space with a gravitational field so intense that nothing can escape

black market noun : an illegal trade network

blackboard noun : a chalkboard, traditionally made of black slate

blindfold noun : a piece of fabric tied to cover the eyes so a person cannot see

blockhead noun : a disrespectful word for a person who lacks intelligence and makes poor decisions

blood sugar noun : the amount of sugar in one’s blood

blood vessel noun : a tube in the body through which blood flows

bloodhound noun : a large dog with a very good sense of smell

blowgun noun : a weapon that is a long tube through which darts are fired using the breath

blowhole noun : a hole at the top of a whale's or dolphin's head, through which it breathes

blowout noun : an explosion in an oil well caused by pressure

blowpipe noun : a long, hollow metal tube used to blow air bubbles into melted glass

blowup noun : slang for a fit of anger

blue jay noun : a bird that is mostly blue and has a crest on its head

blueberry noun : a small, round, dark blue berry

bluecoat noun : a Union soldier during the Civil War, named for his blue uniform

blueprint noun : a drawing or plan for the construction of a building or other structure

boa constrictor noun : a large snake that kills by coiling around its prey and squeezing the breath out of it

board game noun : a game with pieces that players move on a board

boarding school noun : a school where students live on campus during the school year

bobsled noun : a long racing sled with steering and brakes

body language noun : a way of communicating without words that involves gestures and movements

bodyguard noun : a person whose job it is to keep someone safe

bookcase noun : a set of shelves for holding books

bookmark noun : a strip of paper or other material that holds your place in a book

bookshelf noun : a shelf for storing books

bookstore noun : a store that sells books

bookworm noun : a person who reads and studies a lot

boom town noun : a town that experiences sudden growth

boxcar noun : a railroad freight car that has a roof and sliding doors on the sides

brainstorm verb : to share and develop ideas, often related to solving a problem

brainstorming noun : the sharing and developing of ideas as a group

brainwash verb : to change a person's ideas or beliefs using force or persuasion

breakthrough noun : an important event or advance in knowledge that moves something such as technology, science, or medicine forward

breathtaking adjective : shockingly beautiful or delightful

brick-maker noun : a person who makes small rectangular blocks of clay that are used to build things

British Columbia noun : the westernmost province of Canada, located on the Pacific Ocean

broadleaf adjective : having wide, flat leaves

brownstone noun : a city house made of dark stone

browser noun : a software program that allows users to access and view pages on the World Wide Web

buckskin noun : the skin of a male deer; soft, yellowish suede

building block noun : an important part that helps to form a whole thing or a whole idea

bulldog noun : a muscular, heavy-boned dog originally bred to control wild bulls and pigs

bullhorn noun : a portable device used to make a person's voice louder

bumblebee noun : a large furry bee that makes a loud buzzing sound

businessman noun : a man who works in business or commerce, especially as an executive

businesswoman noun : a woman who works in business or commerce, especially as an executive

busy signal noun : a repeating beep on a telephone line that indicates the line is in use

buttercup noun : a plant that has bright yellow or white cup-shaped flowers

byline noun : the name of the writer of an article in a newspaper or magazine, usually appearing at the beginning of the article


baggage claim noun : the place inside an airport where inbound passengers pick up their luggage

ballhawk noun : an outfielder in baseball who is very skilled at catching the ball

bandwidth noun : the maximum amount of information that can move through an Internet cable

bank statement noun : a listing of deposits and withdrawals made to and from a bank account

barrier reef noun : a reef that sits farther from the shoreline, forming a barrier between the open ocean and a calm lagoon

bas-relief noun : a style of sculpture in which the design is raised slightly from the surface but is still attached to the surface

BASE jumper noun : a person who jumps from cliffs or structures, such as buildings or bridges, and parachutes to the ground

bass clef noun : a symbol indicating that the second line from the top of a musical staff represents the pitch of F below middle C

batting average noun : the number of times a player gets a base hit divided by the number of official times at bat in baseball or softball

batting tee noun : a flexible tube on which a baseball sits, allowing a batter to practice hitting

Bering Strait noun : the narrow channel located between eastern Russia and western Alaska

blackout noun : a time when homes must stay dark, such as during an air raid; also, a widespread power failure

blank verse noun : non-rhyming poetry that has a regular rhythm and line length

blockhouse noun : a military building that has holes in the sides through which people inside can fire out at an enemy

blood pressure noun : a measure of how well the heart is pumping blood

bloodworm noun : a worm found in a tidal area that may be up to 15 inches long

blue-collar adjective : a type of work or worker associated with manual or technical labor

boarding pass noun : a special ticket that allows a passenger to board an airplane or a ship

bowsprit noun : a long, thin pole attached to the bow of some ships that provides another anchor point for sails

brain stem noun : the part of the brain at the top of the spinal cord; controls basic body functions, such as breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure

broadband adjective : being part of or relating to a high-speed computer network

Bronze Age noun : a period in human civilization marked by the use of bronze tools

bucket brigade noun : a line of people who pass buckets down a line from a water source to a fire