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Compound Words: d로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: d로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


doorbell noun : a bell by a door that visitors ring to let people inside know they are there

downstairs noun : the bottom floor of a building

dress-up noun : a way to play that involves trying on different clothes

dump truck noun : a truck that carries things that can be dumped from the back end


darkroom noun : a room in which photographs are developed

database noun : a set of computer data that can be organized and used in various ways

dateline noun : a line at the beginning of a news article that gives the date and place of the story's origin

day care noun : a place where people are taken care of during the day while their families are at work

daydream verb : to think about pleasant things as a distraction from the present moment

daylight noun : the light of the Sun

dead end noun : the end of a street, path, or road beyond which there is no way to go further

deadline noun : the time by which a task must be done

deckhand noun : a crew member on a ship whose job is to take care of the decks and other parts of the ship

deep space noun : the open areas between solid bodies in the universe beyond our solar system

deerskin noun : the skin of a deer; used for making most traditional Native American clothes

desktop noun : the display portion of a computer that shows icons for files, folders, and other computer documents

dial tone noun : a continuous sound that you hear when you pick up a telephone receiver

dining room noun : a room where people eat meals

disc jockey noun : a person who selects, announces, and plays popular pre-recorded music, usually on the radio

dishwasher noun : a kitchen appliance that washes dishes and eating utensils

dogsled noun : a sled pulled by dogs over snow and ice

dogwood noun : a decorative shrub or small tree that grows in northern regions and has wood that is hard

dollar sign noun : a symbol put before a number to show that it stands for an amount of dollars; $

Dominican Republic noun : a country located on the eastern side of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea

doorknob noun : a wheel and axle made up of a knob and a bar; used to open and close a door

doorway noun : an entrance to a building or room that can be closed by a door

double standard noun : a set of rules applied differently to different groups, resulting in unfair treatment

doughnut noun : a small, sweet, deep-fried cake that is usually shaped like a ring

downfall noun : a sudden fall, such as from power, wealth, or happiness; the cause of a sudden fall

downhill adverb : toward the bottom of a slope

download verb : to copy a file, especially an Internet file, to a computer; to transfer photos from a camera memory card to a computer

downpour noun : a heavy rainfall

downstairs adverb : down a flight of stairs

downstream adverb : moving in the same direction as the flow of water in a river or stream

downtown noun : the business center of a city or town

downwind adverb : in the same direction as the wind is blowing

draft horse noun : a large, muscled horse bred for pulling heavy loads

dragonfly noun : a fast-flying insect with a long body and long, clear wings that stick straight out from its sides

drama queen noun : a person who often overreacts, especially in an emotional way

drawbridge noun : a bridge, especially one over a moat or waterway, that can be raised or lowered

dress up verb : to put on special clothes or a costume

driftwood noun : pieces of wood floating on the ocean or washed up on a beach by the tide

drill bit noun : a metal cutting tool used to make a hole in something

drive-through noun : a business, such as a restaurant, that serves customers in their cars

driveway noun : a private road that leads from a public road to a garage, house, or other building

drugstore noun : a store that sells prescription drugs as well as personal-care products

drumsticks noun : long thin sticks, often made of wood, that are used to play drums

dry goods noun : products such as clothing, fabric, and thread, that can be purchased

dugout noun : a canoe made from a hollowed-out tree trunk

dugout noun : a low area at the side of a baseball field where team members watch and wait to play

dust devil noun : a current of air whirling upward from the ground in a spiral motion


developing country noun : a country moving toward a higher standard of living and a more advanced economy, largely through the development of industry

dicky bird noun : a small bird

direct current noun : an electric current in which electrons move in one direction

disphotic zone noun : the middle ocean zone, which receives very little sunlight and contains no plants and few animals

domain name noun : the text name that corresponds to the IP address of a website

Doppler radar noun : a tracking system that tells the location and speed of storms, clouds, and precipitation

dorsal fin noun : the single fin located along the backbone of a fish and some other marine animals

double helix noun : a spiral made up of two parallel strands

double jeopardy noun : the act of being prosecuted twice for the same crime

downforce noun : the force of air that pushes a race car down and helps keep it on the track

dreamtime noun : in Australian Aboriginal culture, the ancient time when the world was created

drip tip noun : a long, pointed tip on a leaf of many rainforest plants that allows water to run off quickly

drogue noun : a small parachute that pulls out the canopy of a large parachute

due process noun : the right of a citizen to a fair trial in a court of law

Dust Bowl noun : a disaster that struck the United States in the 1930s; an area of land suffering from severe erosion where the soil turns to dust

dust storm noun : a whirlwind that causes dust to fill the air

dwarf planet noun : a nearly round object that orbits a star, is smaller than a planet, and is not a satellite of another object