[Compound Words: g로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]
goldfish noun : a small, orange fish that is often kept as a pet
grandfather noun : the father of one's mother or father
grandma noun : the mother of your father or mother
grandmother noun : the mother of one's father or mother
grandpa noun : the father of your mother or father
grownup noun : an adult person
gangway noun : a raised walkway, especially one connecting a ship to land
gas giant noun : a large planet that is mainly made up of gases
gas station noun : a place that sells gasoline
gentleman noun : a man who is polite and stylish
gentlemen noun : more than one gentleman or man; men who are polite and kind
giant panda noun : a bear from China that eats bamboo and has black-and-white fur
giant sequoia noun : a very tall evergreen tree with a massive trunk that is usually reddish in color
gift bag noun : a container made of paper that is used to wrap a present
given name noun : a person's first name
glassblower noun : a glass artist
goalkeeper noun : a player whose job is to keep the ball or puck from entering the goal
goldenrod noun : a yellow flowering plant in the daisy family
good night exclamation : a phrase used to express good wishes when going to bed or when parting in the evening
grand finale noun : the end of a performance or show that is often exciting or extraordinary
grandchildren noun : the children of someone's daughter or son
granddaughter noun : a daughter of someone's daughter or son
grandparent noun : the parent of a father or mother
grandson noun : a son of someone's daughter or son
grandstand noun : the main seating area at a stadium or racetrack
grapefruit noun : a large, round, yellow citrus fruit that has a sour taste
grasshopper noun : a land-dwelling insect with long hind legs that are used for leaping and chirping
grassland noun : an open area where grass is the main vegetation
Great Britain noun : an island to the northwest of mainland Europe on which the countries of England, Scotland, and Wales are located
great-grandfather noun : the father of one's grandmother or grandfather
great-grandmother noun : the mother of one's grandmother or grandfather
greenhouse noun : a structure, often made from glass or plastic, that is used to grow plants that need heat, light, and protection from harsh weather
greyhound noun : a tall, slender, muscular breed of dog that can run very fast for a short period of time
gridiron noun : a field on which American football is played
grizzly bear noun : a large type of brown bear that lives in western North America
groundhog noun : a woodchuck; a larger cousin of a squirrel
groundwater noun : water held underground in soil or rock, often feeding springs and wells
guard dog noun : a dog that protects livestock or property
guide dog noun : a dog that helps a person who cannot see well
guideline noun : an instruction that explains how something should be done
gumdrops noun : a kind of candy like hard jelly with sugar on the outside
gunpowder noun : an explosive substance used in guns and cannons
gasworks noun : a factory that processes and pumps a fuel called coal gas
general election noun : a regularly held election in which an entire country is involved
Gila monster noun : a venomous lizard that lives in Mexico and the southwestern United States
global warming noun : an increase in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans, especially one great enough to change the climate
gluteus maximus noun : a muscle in the butt and upper thigh that helps move the legs forward
Gobi Desert noun : a large desert in southern Mongolia and northern China
gold rush noun : the sudden movement of many people to an area where gold has been discovered
Grand Marshal noun : the honorary leader of a parade or other gathering
grandfather clock noun : a large clock in a tall, narrow case that chimes to mark the time
graphic organizer noun : a visual representation of important information, used to build meaning in reading, writing, and speaking
grappling hook noun : a device like an anchor with several hooks attached to a sturdy rope
grass-roots adjective : related to a type of political movement that starts with people who lack power
great auk noun : a large, flightless penguinlike bird that became extinct in the mid-1800s
Great Plains noun : a flat, mostly treeless region of the central United States and Canada
Green Party noun : a political group that believes in environmentalism, diversity, peace, and social justice
greenbelt noun : a large area of undeveloped land in or around a city or town
greenhouse effect noun : the process by which heat is trapped inside Earth's atmosphere by gases
growing season noun : the time of year when temperatures and moisture support plant growth
guerrilla warfare noun : a type of warfare that allows a group of fighters to take on a larger, less mobile, or better equipped force
gulf stream noun : a warm, swift ocean current that flows along eastern United States and across the Atlantic Ocean to northwestern Europe
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