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Compound Words: m으로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: m으로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


make-believe adjective : imaginary; not real

maybe adverb : possibly

motorcycle noun : a vehicle with two wheels that is powered by an engine

myself pronoun : a word used in place of "me" in some sentences


magic trick noun : an action meant to deceive

mail carrier noun : a person who delivers mail

mailbox noun : a box in which mail can be left for delivery or pickup

mainland noun : the main area of land of a continent or country

mainstay noun : an important support on the foremast of a sailing ship; something that another thing depends on

makeup noun : lipstick, powder, or other products an actor wears to look like a character he or she is playing

manhole noun : a small covered opening in a street, sidewalk, or floor where a person can enter

maple syrup noun : a sweet syrup made from the sap of maple trees

mapmaker noun : a person who makes maps

marketplace noun : an area where goods are sold; the general world of business

mastermind noun : a person who invents, plans, and directs a complex or difficult project

masterpiece noun : a work of art made with extraordinary skill

masthead noun : information about the staff, operation, and circulation of a newspaper or magazine; the title of a publication as it appears on the first page

maypole noun : a tall, decorated pole around which people traditionally dance on May Day (May 1)

meanwhile adverb : during the period of time between events; at the same time

measuring cup noun : one of a set of cups in many sizes that help cooks measure ingredients

meatball noun : a small ball of seasoned ground meat

medicine man noun : a healer or spiritual leader in a tribal society

melting pot noun : a place where people of many different backgrounds or styles mix together

metal detector noun : a piece of equipment that identifies the presence of metal objects that are hidden or buried

metal detector noun : an electronic device that is used to find buried metal objects

microwave oven noun : a special chamber for cooking food

Middle Ages noun : the period of time in European history between roughly AD 500 and AD 1500

middle finger noun : the finger located between the index finger and ring finger

middle school noun : a school between elementary school and high school

midway noun : an area of a carnival or fair where rides, food, and games are found

milestone noun : an important event

milk carton noun : a wax-coated cardboard box in which milk is usually sold

milkman noun : a man who sells or delivers milk to people's homes

milkweed noun : a type of plant with milky juice

Milky Way noun : the galaxy that includes the Sun and our solar system

minute hand noun : the longer of the two hands on a clock or watch that shows the minutes

mixed-breed adjective : bred by mixing two or more types or breeds

mockingbird noun : a songbird that imitates the sounds of other animals

moreover adverb : in addition; besides

Morse code noun : a code in which dots and dashes represent letters, numbers, and punctuation

motorboat noun : a small, motorized vessel that is used to travel on water

mountain biking noun : a competitive sport in which people race specially designed bikes over rough terrain

mountain lion noun : a large wild cat that is yellow-gray in color and lives in North, Central, and South America

mountain range noun : a series or group of mountains close together or in a line

mouthparts noun : the group of structures on an insect or spider's body used for eating

movie theater noun : a building where movies are played

mudslide noun : a dirt- and debris-filled flood of water that flows down a slope

music book noun : a book that contains printed forms of music

music box noun : a box containing springs and gears that plays music when wound

music stand noun : a stand that is used to hold sheet music so musicians can see it while they are playing

musical instrument noun : a device used for playing music


magic hat noun : a hat used by a magician to perform tricks

Magna Carta noun : an English document signed in 1215 limiting the power of the king

magnet school noun : a public school that offers specialized classes in a particular subject area

magnetic poles noun : the ends of a magnet where the magnetic force flows in and out

maidservant noun : a female who does household work (male: manservant)

mammary glands noun : the glands in female mammals that produce milk to nourish offspring

Manifest Destiny noun : the belief that the United States was destined to expand its borders from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean

market economy noun : an economy in which the price of goods is determined by supply and demand

medicine lodge noun : a room or shelter used for ceremonial purposes in Native American tribal groups

metric system noun : a measuring system in which all measurements are based on multiples of the number 10

metric ton noun : a metric unit of weight equal to 1,000 kilograms

middle class noun : a group of people who are considered neither rich nor poor, but who have an average income and culture

minutemen noun : armed citizens who, before and during the Revolutionary War, agreed to turn out for service at a minute's notice

mission statement noun : a sentence or paragraph that outlines the goals of a company or organization

Mohs scale noun : a scale used to measure the hardness of minerals

Mount Vesuvius noun : an active volcano in southeastern Italy that buried the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 A.D.

mucous membrane noun : a type of body tissue that produces mucus