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Compound Words: n으로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: n으로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


newspaper noun : many large, folded sheets of paper printed with news, ads, opinions, and letters to the editor

nighttime noun : the time when it is dark outside

nobody pronoun : no person

nothing pronoun : no thing; not anything


namesake noun : a person named for another person

National Mall noun : a grassy, public area in Washington, D.C., that includes and is bordered by museums, monuments, and memorials

Native American noun : a person whose ancestors lived in the Americas before Europeans arrived

natural disaster noun : a sudden event caused by natural forces that causes widespread damage or death

natural gas noun : an odorless, colorless, clean-burning fossil fuel

nearby adverb : close by; not far

necklace noun : a piece of jewelry or other ornament worn around the neck

needleleaf adjective : having long, thin leaves in the shape of needles

nesting box noun : a box where a bird nests and lays eggs

network noun : a group of computers or things that are connected to each other

New Brunswick noun : a province in southeastern Canada on the Gulf of St. Lawrence

New Guinea noun : an island in the South Pacific Ocean just north of Australia

New Hampshire noun : a U.S. state in the Northeast, just east of Vermont (capital: Concord)

New Jersey noun : a U.S. state on the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions, just east of Pennsylvania (capital: Trenton)

New Mexico noun : a U.S. state in the Southwest between Arizona and Texas (capital: Santa Fe)

new moon noun : the first phase of the Moon, when its dark side is toward Earth or when it appears as a narrow crescent for a few days afterward

New Orleans noun : a large city in southeastern Louisiana

New York noun : a U.S. state in the Northeast, just north of Pennsylvania (capital: Albany)

New Zealand noun : a country in the South Pacific Ocean made up of two large islands and many smaller ones

newborn adjective : just born or recently born

newcomer noun : a person who has recently arrived in a place, situation, or group

newsprint noun : an inexpensive, absorbent, low-quality paper used for printing newspapers

newsworthy adjective : interesting and important events and information that are worth sharing with the public

nickname noun : a name given to a person or thing in fun or affection, or to shorten a real name

nightfall noun : the end of the day

nightmare noun : a scary dream

Nobel Prize noun : one of six prizes awarded each year for work in chemistry, economics, literature, medicine, or physics, or for advancing the cause of world peace

North America noun : a continent that makes up the northern part of the American landmass

North Carolina noun : a U.S. state in the Mid-Atlantic region, just south of Virginia (capital: Raleigh)

North Dakota noun : a U.S. state in the extreme north-central region, just west of Minnesota (capital: Bismarck)

north pole noun : the end of a magnet where lines of force flow out

North Pole noun : the point farthest north on the Earth along its axis

northeast noun : an intermediate direction or point on the compass midway between north and east

northwest noun : an intermediate direction or point on the compass midway between north and west

Northwest Territories noun : a Canadian territory located between the Yukon and Nunavut

notebook noun : a book with blank or lined pages on which to write

notepad noun : a small stack of paper, glued together on one edge, that is used for writing notes

Nova Scotia noun : a province in eastern Canada on the Atlantic Ocean

number line noun : a line on which numbers are marked at regular spaces


naked mole rat noun : a burrowing, almost hairless rodent that is nearly blind and lives in Africa

national debt noun : the total amount of money a country owes

natural resource noun : anything found in nature that can be used to produce a product, such as land, water, or coal

natural selection noun : the process by which living things best suited to their environment tend to survive and reproduce more

nautical mile noun : a unit of measure for distances at sea equal to about 6,000 feet

neap tide noun : the smallest tide during a month, caused by the Sun and Moon pulling against each other

nerve net noun : a simple nervous system found in the bodies of cnidarians and echinoderms

neutron star noun : a star that has collapsed under its own gravity; a compact mass of neutrons

New World noun : North and South America, especially in relation to early exploration

news story noun : an article that includes important information about a newsworthy event

night vision noun : the ability to see in the dark

night writing noun : a system of reading and writing using twelve raised dots

nitrous oxide noun : a greenhouse gas made of two nitrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

nonrenewable resource noun : a supply of something that cannot be replaced after it has been used, such as petroleum and minerals

North Africa noun : a region in the northern part of Africa made up of seven countries

North Korea noun : a country in Asia located at the north end of the Korean Peninsula

nuclear fission noun : a process by which the nuclei of atoms are split apart to create energy

nuclear fusion noun : a process by which the nuclei of atoms are joined together to create energy