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Compound Words: s로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: s로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


sailboat  noun : a small watercraft that has one or more sails and is moved by the wind

school bus noun : a large vehicle that takes students to and from school

seat belt  noun : a strap in a car, airplane, or other vehicle that keeps a person safely in his or her seat

skateboard  noun : a short board with wheels on the bottom

snowman  noun : packed snow made to look like a person

something pronoun : an object, action, thought, or feeling that is not named or known for sure

something adverb : a little; somewhat

sometimes adverb : some of the time; every now and then

starfish noun : an animal that lives in the ocean and is shaped like a star

suitcase noun : a boxlike container with a handle, used to carry clothes on trips

sunlight noun : light energy from the Sun

sunrise noun : the time in the morning when the Sun comes up in the east

sunset noun : the time in the evening when the Sun goes down in the west

sunshine noun : light from the Sun

swimsuit noun : a piece of clothing made for swimming


sagebrush noun : a woody shrub with silvery leaves found in the dry western United States

salesperson noun : someone who sells for a living

saltwater adjective : containing or involving salt water

San Diego noun : a large city in southern California

San Francisco noun : a city on the coast of California that is located on a peninsula

sand castle noun : a small sculpture of a castle or other building made of wet sand

sand spit noun : a point of sand built up into a landform that projects into a body of water

sandbar noun : a long ridge of sand formed in a shallow body of water by currents and tides

sandpaper noun : paper that has sand or another scratchy material stuck to one side

Saudi Arabia noun : a country in southwestern Asia on the Arabian Peninsula

savings account noun : an arrangement, usually with a bank, in which a person deposits money that often earns interest before being withdrawn

sawmill noun : a place where logs are cut into boards

scarecrow noun : an object placed in a field to scare birds away from crops

scavenger hunt noun : a game where players search for and collect certain items, often within a time limit

school supplies noun : items used at school such as paper, pencils, and glue

schoolhouse noun : a building where students learn from teachers

science fiction noun : fiction having to do with actual or imagined scientific events, usually taking place in the future

scientific name noun : the formal name that scientists use for a living thing, composed of its Latin names

scoreboard noun : a large sign at a sporting event on which the score is displayed

scorekeeper noun : a person who keeps track of the score during a game

scrapbook noun : a book or album with blank pages for saving pictures, drawings, souvenirs, and other items

screwdriver noun : a flat or plus-shaped tip attached to a handle that fixes a screw into place when twisted

scriptwriter noun : a person who writes scripts for movies or television

sea cow noun : another name for a manatee or a dugong (a close relative of a manatee)

sea cucumber noun : an echinoderm with a thick, sausage-shaped body and many tube feet

sea level noun : the level of the surface of the sea, used in measuring altitude and depth

sea lion noun : a mammal with long front flippers that lives along coasts

sea snake noun : a venomous snake that lives in tropical waters in the Indian and Pacific oceans

sea turtle noun : a large reptile with a shell and flippers that lives in the ocean

sea urchin noun : a spine-covered marine invertebrate in the same animal group as sea stars

seafaring adjective : traveling by sea

seafood noun : any food prepared from saltwater fish or shellfish

search and rescue noun : teams who find and help people who are lost or trapped

seaweed noun : large algae that grow in the ocean

secondary color noun : a color made by mixing two or more primary colors

secondhand adjective : not new; having been owned by someone else

security guard noun : a person whose job is to protect something or take care of safety concerns

seed coat noun : the protective outer covering of a seed

seesaw noun : a plank that is balanced in the middle so the ends moves up or down; the act of riding on this plank

self-centered adjective : caring only about oneself and one's own needs

self-confidence noun : a belief in yourself and your abilities

self-discipline noun : the ability to control one's impulses and follow through on commitments

self-governing adjective : having the right to create and enforce laws without outside interference

self-reliance noun : the ability to take care of one's self

self-reliant adjective : having the ability to take care of oneself

sharecropper noun : a farmer who works on someone else’s land in return for part of the profit from the crops

sheet music noun : an unbound piece of handwritten or printed music

shellfish noun : animals that have shells and live in the water

shipshape adjective : clean, neat, or tidy; organized or put together well

shipwreck noun : a sunken or destroyed ship

shock absorber other : a piece of equipment connected to the wheel of a vehicle that makes traveling over uneven surfaces feel smoother

shoreline noun : the line where an ocean or other large body of water meets land

shorthand noun : a method of writing quickly by using symbols and abbreviation

showdown noun : a final test or conflict to settle a disagreement

shutout noun : a game in which one side never scores

side effect noun : a usually harmful effect of a drug or medical treatment that is beyond the desired effect

sidecar noun : a small vehicle attached to a motorcycle in which a passenger can ride

sidekick noun : an assistant, friend, or close associate, especially one who has less responsibility

sideline noun : either of two lines marking the side limits of a playing field

sidestep verb : to move to one side in order to avoid something

sidetrack verb : to move away from a main topic, track, or job

sidewalk noun : a paved walkway for pedestrians along the side of a road

sideways adverb : to the side; from one side to the other

sign language noun : a system of hand, face, and body movements used to communicate

signmaker noun : a person or a computer program that creates signs

silkworm noun : the caterpillar of the silkworm moth, bred to produce silk fiber

silverware noun : utensils for eating and serving food

simple machine noun : any basic device that works with the use of a single force

sinkhole noun : a hole in the ground or land depression that results from underground collapse, usually caused by water erosion

sit-in noun : a form of peaceful protest that involves people sitting in a place and refusing to move

skin graft noun : the transfer of a skin patch from one body part to another

skydiving noun : a sport in which a person jumps out of an aircraft in flight and uses a parachute to descend to the ground

skyline noun : the outline that city buildings make against the sky

skyscraper noun : a very tall building

slave trade noun : the buying, selling, and transport of slaves around the world, including the capture and transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas

sleeping bag noun : a warm, padded bag for sleeping in when camping

slingshot noun : a forked stick with rubber strips attached to it that is used to shoot small stones

slowpoke noun : a person who is slow to move or take action

small intestine noun : the thin, coiled part of the digestive system in which nutrients are removed from food and released into the bloodstream

smartphone noun : a mobile phone with computer features and Internet access

smokestack noun : a tall chimney through which smoke and combustion gases leave a factory, locomotive, or ship

snapdragon noun : a flower resembling an open mouth that closes when the sides are squeezed

snapshot noun : an informal photo, usually taken with a small camera

snow leopard noun : a fairly large, light-colored, spotted cat that lives in the mountains of central Asia

snowboard noun : a thin board ridden down snow-covered slopes

snowboarding noun : the sport of using a board similar to a short, wide ski to slide downhill on snow

snowdrift noun : a large amount of snow that collects in one place because of wind

snowmobile noun : a vehicle used for traveling on snow

snowshoe hare noun : a North American hare that has large hind feet and a white winter coat

snowshoes noun : flat devices that attach to boots so people can walk on top of deep snow

social studies noun : the study of human society

softball noun : a game like baseball that is played using a larger ball; also the ball itself

softhearted adjective : kind and gentle

software noun : computer programs

solitary confinement noun : imprisonment with no interaction with other people allowed

someone pronoun : some person

somewhat adverb : to some degree or extent; a little

sonic boom noun : an loud, explosive sound made by something traveling faster than sound

sound barrier noun : the large increase in air resistance encountered by aircraft flying at the speed of sound

sound wave noun : the movement of sound energy through air, liquid, or a solid

South America noun : a continent located on the southern half of the American landmass

South Carolina noun : a U.S. state in the Southeast between North Carolina and Georgia (capital: Columbia)

South Dakota noun : a U.S. state in the north-central region, just north of Nebraska (capital: Pierre)

south pole noun : the end of a magnet where lines of force flow in

South Pole noun : the point farthest south on the Earth along its axis

southeast noun : an intermediate direction or point on the compass midway between south and east

southwest noun : an intermediate direction or point on the compass midway between south and west

soybean noun : a plant in the pea family that is widely grown for its seeds

space flight noun : travel and exploration in outer space

space shuttle noun : a spacecraft that can be used repeatedly

space station noun : a spacecraft in which people can live for a long time, used for scientific experiments and research

spacecraft noun : a vehicle used for traveling in space

spaceship noun : a vehicle used for traveling in space

Special Delivery noun : an extra service for urgent mail

special effect noun : an illusion created for a movie or television show using computers, cameras, or props

speed skating noun : the competitive sport of racing on ice skates

spelling bee noun : a competition in which people spell words

springtail noun : a very small insect with a forked tail that is used for jumping

St. Louis noun : a large city in eastern Missouri

staff writer noun : a writer who is employed by a newspaper, magazine, or web publisher

stagecoach noun : a large, covered, horse-drawn vehicle with four wheels

stairway noun : a series of stairs for going up or down

standoff noun : a draw where both parties are equally matched and unable to proceed

starstruck adjective : fascinated with famous people, especially movie stars and other entertainers

stateroom noun : a private bedroom on a ship or train

steam engine noun : a machine with moving parts that uses steam power to create motion

steamboat noun : a boat with a steam engine

steamship noun : a ship that uses steam to make it move

steel driver noun : a railroad construction worker whose job is to pound rods into rocks with a heavy hammer

steering wheel noun : a wheel in a vehicle that is connected by the steering column to the steering gear and is turned to change direction

stepbrother noun : a son of one's stepparent, by a marriage other than with one's own father or mother

stepdaughter noun : a daughter of someone's husband or wife by a previous marriage

stepfather noun : a man who has married a child's mother after the death or divorce of that child's father

stepmother noun : a woman who has married a child's father after the death or divorce of that child's mother

stepsister noun : a daughter of one's stepparent

stepson noun : a son of someone's husband or wife by a previous marriage

still life noun : a drawing or painting of an arrangement of objects

stock car noun : a regular car, such as those used on city streets

stockyard noun : a yard with pens next to a building where livestock are slaughtered and processed into meat

stopwatch noun : a device that can be started and stopped quickly and is used to measure passing time, such as during a race

storyteller noun : a person who tells stories

straightaway adverb : right away

streamlined adjective : designed to move easily through water or air

streetcar noun : a vehicle that carries passengers and runs on electricity from an overhead cable

stronghold noun : a well-protected place

sugarcane noun : a tropical grass that sugar comes from

sunburn noun : damage to skin cells caused by UV radiation in sunlight

sundial noun : a kind of shadow clock that uses the rays of the Sun to tell time

sunflower noun : a large flower in the daisy family that has bright yellow or gold petals arranged in rays around the center

sunglasses noun : dark glasses that protect the eyes from sunlight

sunscreen noun : a substance rubbed on the skin to prevent sunburn

sunspot noun : any of the relatively cool dark patches that appear in cycles on the Sun's surface and possess a powerful magnetic field

superhero noun : a fictional being who has amazing powers

supermarket noun : a large store that sells food and household items

Supreme Court noun : the highest court of law in the judicial system of the United States

suspension bridge noun : a bridge held up by cables or ropes

sweatband noun : a ring of cloth worn around the head or wrist to absorb perspiration

sweatpants noun : a baggy, heavy pair of pants, usually made of cotton, worn for exercise or play

sweatshirt noun : a baggy, heavy shirt, usually made of cotton, worn for exercising or play

sweet potato noun : a tropical root vegetable that is sweeter than a potato

switchboard noun : an electrical panel through which telephone calls can be connected


saddle horn noun : a knob on the front of a horse's saddle

Sahara Desert noun : a very large desert that is located in northern Africa

sales tax noun : money paid to a government by the buyer of goods or services at the time of a sale

sandstone noun : a type of sedimentary rock made up of particles of sand

scientific notation noun : a short way of writing a very large or small number using a real number between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of ten

scuba dive verb : to swim or explore underwater for long periods of time, using special breathing gear, such as air tanks

seahorse noun : a fish with a curled tail and a head that looks like a horse

seamount noun : an underwater volcano

search engine noun : a search tool used to locate information on the Internet

sense organ noun : a body part that responds to information from the outside world

shareholder noun : a person who owns part of a company

sharpshooter noun : a person who is very skilled and accurate when shooting at a target

shipwright noun : a carpenter skilled at building and repairing ships

shortstop noun : an infielder in baseball who plays between second and third base

skeletal muscles noun : strong muscles that connect to bones and allow the body to move

skeleton key noun : a key with teeth filed away so that it can open different simple locks

slaughterhouse noun : a factory where livestock is killed and processed into meat

smooth muscle noun : muscle that moves substances without a person’s control and is found in many internal organs

snow line noun : the altitude above which it is too cold for snow to melt

social justice noun : the state or principle of equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities for every human being

solar cells noun : structures made from silicon or plastic that absorb light energy from the Sun and turn it into electricity

solar eclipse noun : an eclipse during which the Moon passes in front of the Sun and hides it from view

solar flare noun : a sudden energy burst that appears as a large, bright loop on the Sun's surface

solar panel noun : a structure that converts sunlight into electricity

solar radiation noun : energy that the Sun gives off in the form of rays of light or heat

solar system noun : a group of objects in space that orbit a star

solar wind noun : a stream of gases that come from the Sun

South Africa noun : a country at the southern tip of Africa

South Korea noun : a country in Asia located at the south end of the Korean Peninsula

split infinitive noun : a phrase in which the base form of a verb (such as "to go") has an adverb between the two words

spoonbill noun : a tall wading bird that is mainly pink or white

spring tide noun : the largest tide during a month, caused by the Sun and Moon pulling in the same direction

stakeholder noun : a person or institution that has an interest, or stake, in how a resource is used or managed

static electricity noun : electricity caused by a buildup of negative charges in one place and positive charges in another

static line noun : a cord attached to an airplane that automatically opens a parachute

steeplechase noun : a horse race that requires jumping over obstacles

stingray noun : a fish with a large, flat body and a long tail with stinging spines on it

stockholder noun : a person who owns one or more shares, or parts, of a company

Stone Age noun : an early period in human civilization marked by the use of stone tools

Sun Belt noun : a region of the United States that stretches across the entire southern third of the country

supercell noun : a rotating thundercloud that reaches high into the sky and often produces tornadoes

supernova noun : explosions of stars, resulting in a sharp increase in brightness followed by a gradual fading

surface water noun : water found above ground, on land

surge cloud noun : a fast, superheated cloud of ash, gas, dust, and rock that moves along the ground after a volcanic eruption

sweat lodge noun : a special place usually heated by steam and used for ritual sweating to clean or purify the body or spirit

swordfish noun : a large ocean fish that has a swordlike snout

symphony orchestra noun : a large group of musicians who play string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments

synchronized swimming noun : a competitive sport in which a swimmer or swimmers perform dance movements in water in time with music