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Compound Words: t로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이

[Compound Words: t로 시작하는 복합어 영영풀이]


taxicab noun : a motor vehicle whose driver takes people places for a fee

teddy bear noun : a soft toy bear

thank you exclamation : a polite thing to say when a person shows kindness

tonight adverb : on this evening or night

toothbrush noun : a brush used to clean teeth and gums

toothpaste noun : a gel or paste put on a toothbrush and used to clean teeth

tow truck noun : a truck that pulls or carries cars that cannot be driven


tablespoon noun : a large spoon that is often used for serving food; a unit of measure in cooking recipes

take over verb : to take control of something

tally mark noun : a line, or check, used to keep count

taste buds noun : small groups of cells on the tongue that sense taste and report it to the brain

tea bag noun : a small bag made of paper or silk that holds dried plant leaves used for brewing tea

teammate noun : a person who is on the same team

teamwork noun : the cooperative effort of people or groups of people

teapot noun : a container for brewing and pouring tea

teaspoon noun : a small spoon that is often used to stir tea or coffee; a unit of measure in cooking recipes

telltale adjective : indicating or revealing something that would otherwise be hidden

test tube noun : a narrow glass tube that is closed at one end and open at the other end

text message noun : a short message sent and received by a device such as a cell phone

textbook noun : a book used as an instructional manual for a particular subject

themselves pronoun : a word used to refer to people, animals, or things that have already been mentioned

therefore adverb : for that reason; as a result

threadbare adjective : worn so much that individual threads begin to show; tattered

throughout preposition : all the way through; to or in every part

thumbtack noun : a short nail with a flat head that is used to fasten paper to a bulletin board or other surface

thunderhead noun : the rounded upper part of a puffy cloud, which is a sign of rain

thunderstorm noun : a storm with thunder and lightning, often accompanied by heavy rain or hail

thyself pronoun : an old form of "yourself"

time machine noun : a machine used to travel through time

time zone noun : a range of longitudes on Earth where the same time is used

timeline noun : a graphic display that shows the events that took place during a certain period of time

tinderbox noun : a small metal container used to hold dry materials for starting a fire

tinfoil noun : silver metal sheeting as thin as paper that is used to wrap or cover food

tippy-toe verb : to walk quietly on one's toes or the balls of one's feet

toadstool noun : a poisonous mushroom

toenail noun : a hard covering at the end of each toe

tooth fairy noun : a magical being in folklore that leaves money for a child in exchange for a baby tooth that has come out

torchbearer noun : a person who carries a torch

tote bag noun : an open bag with two handles attached to the top of each side

totem pole noun : a wooden pole traditionally carved from cedar by Pacific coast natives

touchdown noun : a goal scored in football by one team moving the football into the opposing team's end zone

town meeting noun : a form of local government in which all of the citizens of a small town meet and vote on local issues

townspeople noun : all the people who live in a certain town or city

traveler's check noun : an internationally accepted check that is written for a specific amount of money and is usually guaranteed against loss or theft

treasure hunt noun : a game in which players follow a series of clues that lead to a hidden prize

triple play noun : a play in baseball that gets three players out

tropical storm noun : a very intense system of low pressure over an ocean with winds of 62-119 km/hr (39-74 mph)

troublesome adjective : causing annoyance or difficulty

trustworthy adjective : honest; easily trusted

tryouts noun : tests used to decide whether people are good enough in athletics or performing

tugboat noun : a small, powerful boat that tows or guides a large vessel, especially in a confined area

turnout noun : the number of people who show up and/or participate in an event

turnpike noun : a divided highway with controlled access that costs money to drive on

turtleneck noun : a piece of clothing with a high, close-fitting collar that is usually folded down over itself

typeface noun : a style of printed letters

Tyrannosaurus rex noun : a powerful carnivorous dinosaur that walked upright on two legs


temperate zones noun : Earth’s climate zones between the tropical and polar zones, where the angle of sunlight causes warmer summers and cooler winters

temporary magnet noun : a material that is magnetic only while in the magnetic field produced by an electric current or a permanent magnet

three-dimensional adjective : having height, width, and depth; 3D

topsoil noun : the top layer of soil where most plants have their roots

trademark noun : a personal style unique to an individual

tree line noun : an imaginary line beyond which trees cannot grow due to either altitude or latitude

tropical zone noun : Earth’s warmest climate zone, located near the equator, where sunlight strikes the planet’s surface most directly

tube feet noun : tube-shaped structures on the bodies of most echinoderms that are used for holding things and for getting from place to place

twilight zone noun : the middle ocean zone, which receives very little sunlight and contains no plants and few animals

two-dimensional adjective : having height and width, but no depth