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Exclamations: 감탄사 영영풀이

[Exclamations: 감탄사 영영풀이]


bless you exclamation : a polite thing to say when someone sneezes

clang exclamation : a loud, metallic sound that may repeat

good-bye exclamation : a word used to express good wishes when you leave someone or when you're finished talking

hello exclamation : a word used as a greeting

hola exclamation : the Spanish word for "hi" or "hello"

oh exclamation : a word that shows feeling

plop exclamation : a quick, dull sound made when something falls

thank you exclamation : a polite thing to say when a person shows kindness

thanks exclamation : an informal way to say "thank you"; a polite thing to say when a person shows kindness

ugh exclamation : a word people say when they think something is disgusting or horrible

woof exclamation : the sound a dog makes when it barks

yuck exclamation : a word people say when they don't like a smell or the taste of a food

yum exclamation : a word people say when they like the taste of a food


bravo exclamation : a word used to express approval after an excellent performance

excuse me exclamation : a polite thing to say when you disturb or interrupt someone or want their attention

gee exclamation : a word used to express mild surprise, sympathy, or excitement

good night exclamation : a phrase used to express good wishes when going to bed or when parting in the evening

goodness exclamation : a word used to express surprise or shock

hey exclamation : a word used casually to mean hello, get attention, or express interest, surprise, or irritation

hooray exclamation : a word that expresses approval or joy

howdy exclamation : a word used casually as a greeting, especially in the western part of the United States

hurrah exclamation : a word that expresses approval, joy, or encouragement

squeak exclamation : a high-pitched sound that is brief and sharp

well exclamation : a word that can express different feelings, such as surprise, relief, irritation, or agreement

wow exclamation : a word used to express amazement, surprise, or admiration