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e로 시작하는 동사 영영풀이

[e로 시작하는 동사 영영풀이]


eat verb : to chew and swallow food

end verb : to finish

enter verb : to go into; to get involved in

exercise verb : to use the body to be fit and healthy


earn verb : to receive money in exchange for work; to gain as a result of effort

ease verb : to move carefully and slowly

eavesdrop verb : to listen secretly to a conversation

ebb verb : to drop in level, as with a lowering tide; to lessen

echo verb : to repeat, as in a sound

edit verb : to review, change, correct, and finalize a work, such as a piece of writing or film

educate verb : to teach

eject verb : to throw or force out of

elaborate verb : to provide more details

elapsed verb : to have passed or gone by

elbow verb : to shove or push aside roughly

elect verb : to choose a member of government by voting for him or her

electrify verb : to cause great excitement or enthusiasm

eliminate verb : to remove or take away

elude verb : to escape using daring, cleverness, or skill

emancipate verb : to free someone or a group of people from slavery or control

embalm verb : to preserve the body of a person who has died so it will not decay

embark verb : to get on a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; to start something new

embarrass verb : to cause to feel awkward, uneasy, or self-conscious

embedded verb : firmly fixed

embrace verb : to hold in the arms; to hug

embroider verb : to decorate fabric by sewing patterns on it with thread or yarn

emerge verb : to come into view; to come out

emigrate verb : to leave one country to settle in another

emit verb : to send out from

emphasize verb : to give extra attention to

employ verb : to hire someone for pay; to use

enable verb : to make possible; to give a person or thing the power or ability to do something

encase verb : to enclose or cover in a case

encircle verb : to form a circle around; to travel in a circle around

encode verb : to put information in a special code

encompass verb : to include in a larger group

encourage verb : to urge someone in a helpful way to do something

endear verb : to cause to be liked or loved

endeavor verb : to make an effort to achieve something

endorse verb : to approve or support

endure verb : to live through something challenging

enforce verb : to make sure people obey laws or rules

engulf verb : to surround completely

enhance verb : to improve or make something better

enjoy verb : to have a nice time; to take pleasure in

enlarge verb : to make larger in size or amount

enlist verb : to sign up for; to enroll in

enlist verb : to get the cooperation or help of someone or something

enrich verb : to improve by adding something

ensure verb : to make sure

entertain verb : to get the attention of a person or audience by providing amusing or interesting material

entrust verb : to trust someone to take care of or handle something

envy verb : to feel jealous of another person's qualities, belongings, or good fortune

equal verb : to have the same value as

equip verb : to supply with needed items for a certain purpose

erase verb : to remove or rub out writing or other marks

erect verb : to construct; to place in a certain position

erode verb : to wear away rock or soil by water, wind, or ice

erupt verb : to forcefully eject something that has been pent up, as from a volcano; to come out in a sudden explosion

erupting verb : ejecting gas, ash, rocks, and lava from a volcano

escape verb : to break free from or keep from being captured

escort verb : to go with someone or something, often to provide protection

establish verb : to set up or start something, such as a system, organization, or government

estimate verb : to roughly calculate

evacuate verb : to move people out of danger

evacuating verb : moving people out of danger

evaluate verb : to closely examine something to judge its condition or importance, or to decide on its worth

evaporate verb : to change from a liquid to a gas

evoke verb : to call up or bring forth a feeling, memory, or mental image

evolve verb : to change or develop over time

exaggerate verb : to represent something as bigger, better, or more extreme than it is

examine verb : to look at something carefully to learn more about it

excavate verb : to uncover or dig out

exceed verb : to go beyond

excel verb : to perform extremely well

exchange verb : to give something and receive something in return; to trade

excite verb : to cause someone to feel eagerness and enthusiasm; to cause an increase in activity

exclaim verb : to shout or cry out, especially to express a strong emotion, such as excitement or anger

exclude verb : to keep from being a part of something

exhale verb : to breathe out

exhibit verb : to show something openly or to the public; to display

exist verb : to be; to live

expand verb : to become or make larger in size, amount, volume, or scope

expect verb : to consider an event likely to happen

expel verb : to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country as a result of bad behavior

explain verb : to make something clear or understandable

explode verb : to blow up or burst with a sudden release of energy

exploit verb : to take advantage of someone; to use something or someone for benefit

explore verb : to observe and learn about an area by traveling over or through it

export verb : to sell and send goods to another country or state

expose verb : to reveal something; to subject or introduce someone or something to a substance, idea, or influence

express verb : to communicate a thought or feeling using words, music, or another form of communication

extend verb : to make longer, wider, larger, or later; to spread or reach out

extinguish verb : to put out or put an end to

extract verb : to take out


embody verb : to be a symbol or example of something

emulate verb : to imitate or copy someone or something

eradicate verb : to completely destroy

esteem verb : to respect and admire

exacerbate verb : to worsen

excommunicate verb : to expel a person from the Christian Church or another religious community

exterminate verb : to kill or destroy someone or something