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c로 시작하는 동사 영영풀이

[c로 시작하는 동사 영영풀이]


call verb : to use a mechanical device to reach someone; to speak loudly so someone far away can hear you

came verb : the past tense of "come"; to move from a far place to a near place

camp verb : to live in a tent

can verb : to be able to

cannot verb : can not

care verb : to show interest; to help

carry verb : to take from one place to another

catch verb : to grab and hold something

caw verb : to make the sound that a crow or raven makes

change verb : to make or become different

chase verb : to try to catch someone or something

check verb : to look at someone or something to see its condition

cheep verb : to make the sound that a baby bird makes

chew verb : to bite something over and over again using the teeth

chirp verb : to make the sound that a bird makes

choke  verb : to stop breathing because the throat is blocked

choose verb : to pick from two or more things

chop verb : to cut into small pieces using a knife or ax; to remove by cutting

chug verb : to move while making a dull, explosive sound

circle verb : to draw a line around; to move around

clap verb : to bring the palms of your hands together to make a noise

clean verb : to take away dirt or stains from something

climb verb : to go up or down using feet and hands

close verb : to shut something, such as a lid or a door; to block or cover an opening

cluck verb : to make the sound that a hen makes

color verb : to use crayons to fill with color

comb verb : to arrange or style hair with a flat item that has long teeth

come verb : to have a certain beginning or be made by or from

come verb : to move from a far place to a near place; to move toward a place or person

cook verb : to make food ready to eat, usually by heating it

copy verb : to make something that is similar to or exactly like something else

cough verb : to force out air from the lungs with a short, loud noise

could verb : the past tense of "can"; to be able to

count verb : to name numbers in order

count verb : to add to get a total

crack verb : to break something open

crash verb : to make a sudden, loud noise

crawl verb : to move on one's hands and knees close to the ground

crawl verb : to move the body forward close to the ground

cried verb : the past tense of "cry"; to shed tears or shout as a result of a strong feeling, such as sadness or pain

croak verb : to make the sound that a frog makes

cross out verb : to cancel something that is wrong, such as a word, by drawing a line through it

crunch verb : to make a grinding noise while chewing hard food

crush verb : to squeeze or press something with enough force to cause serious damage

cry verb : to shed tears or shout as a result of a strong feeling, such as sadness or pain

cuddle verb : to hold someone close for affection, warmth, or comfort

cut verb : to separate, shorten, or hurt something with a sharp object, such as a knife or scissors

cut out verb : to separate into shapes or parts with a sharp tool


cackle verb : to make the sharp, broken cry that a hen makes after laying an egg; to make a similar sound when laughing

calculate verb : to work out or estimate an answer using mathematics

calm verb : to become or cause to become less angry, excited, or upset

camouflage verb : to blend into the background; to hide

campaign verb : to persuade people to vote for a particular person

cancel verb : to call off a planned event; to do away with

capitalize verb : to begin with a capital letter or write all capital letters

capsize verb : to overturn

capture verb : to catch or take control of by force

careen verb : to swerve or sway from side to side while moving; to lean sideways or in an unsteady way

carve verb : to cut with care; to make something, such as a sculpture, by carefully cutting and shaping a material

cast verb : to pour hot metal or another material into a mold

cast verb : to choose an actor for a particular role in a performance

catch verb : to discover unexpectedly

categorize verb : to place in a certain group

caught verb : the past tense of "catch"; to discover unexpectedly

caught verb : the past tense of "catch"; to grab and hold something

caulk verb : to fill gaps and cracks with a watertight sealant

cause verb : to make something happen

cease verb : to stop

celebrate verb : to do something special to honor an event

censor verb : to remove words or other content viewed as threatening or offensive

chafe verb : to rub against a part of the body and cause soreness

challenge verb : to dare someone to compete

chant verb : to sing or say a phrase in a repeated, rhythmic way

charge verb : to make a purchase on a credit card

charge verb : to rush toward forcefully, as in an attack

charge verb : to store electrical energy in a battery or a device operated by batteries

chart verb : to make a map or plot a course on a map; to plot data on a graph

cheat verb : to take or keep away something that someone deserves or expects, usually by being dishonest or unlawful

cheat verb : to break a rule or law to gain an unfair advantage

check verb : to stop something or slow it down

cheer verb : to make someone happier; to shout in support of something or someone

cherish verb : to treat with love and care; to hold dear

chime verb : to make the ringing sound made by a bell or clock

chip verb : to break away a small piece or shape something by cutting away small pieces

chisel verb : to use a sharp steel tool called a chisel to shape stone, wood, or metal

chortle verb : to laugh loudly in a happy way

christen verb : to officially name

chuck verb : to throw away

chuckle verb : to laugh quietly

churn verb : to move or stir powerfully or violently

circling verb : stopping a stampede by forcing cattle to run in a circle

cite verb : to give credit to a source of information; to recognize someone for an achievement

claim verb : to say something is true, often without evidence

claim verb : to say that something is one’s right or property

clapping verb : to clap the hands together over and over in applause

clarify verb : to make something clear or more easily understood

clash verb : to enter into conflict; to not get along or go well together

classify verb : to sort; to assign to a category

clatter verb : to make a loud rattling sound

cleanse verb : to make something clean

clear verb : to remove a blockage or obstacle

clench verb : to tighten a body part in response to a strong emotion; to tightly grip something

click verb : to make a short, sharp sound

cling verb : to hold on tightly to someone or something

clink verb : to make a light, sharp ringing sound

clip verb : to fasten with a clip; to cut

clog verb : to block with a buildup of material

clone verb : to duplicate

clop verb : to make the sound that a horse's hooves make on a hard surface

clot verb : to change from a liquid to a semisolid or solid state; usually refers to blood

cluster verb : to form a close group

clutch verb : to hold tightly

coax verb : to gradually persuade someone to agree to something

coexist verb : to be or live together or at the same time

coincide verb : to happen at the same time or occur in the same space; to agree

collapse verb : to fall apart or fall down

collect verb : to gather and keep a certain type of thing; to bring together things that are spread apart

collide verb : to impact something violently or forcefully

colonize verb : to establish an area or a country that is ruled by or belongs to another country

comb verb : to carefully search to find something

combine verb : to mix, bring, or get together

comfort verb : to offer strength and hope in a difficult situation; to soothe

commandeer verb : to assume authority and command, either by right or by force

commence verb : to begin or start

comment verb : to express an opinion

commission verb : to authorize a person, organization, or expedition to carry out a task

commit verb : to pledge or dedicate oneself to someone or something

commit verb : to do something that is wrong, harmful, or against the law

communicate verb : to make one's thoughts or ideas known using words, pictures, gestures, or other means

commute verb : to travel a long distance to and from work each day

compact verb : to pack together densely and tightly

compare verb : to look at something to see how it is the same or different from something else

compel verb : to force or motivate someone to do something

compete verb : to do something for the purpose of winning

compile verb : to collect and organize information

complain verb : to use words to express unhappiness about something

complement verb : to complete; to make a fine addition to something

complete verb : to finish

complicate verb : to make something more complex and, as a result, more difficult or confusing

compliment verb : to use words to express praise and admiration

compose verb : to get one's emotions under control

compose verb : to create a piece of music

compose verb : to create something through mental or artistic effort

compound verb : to make something, such as an error or problem, worse

comprehend verb : to understand the meaning of something

compress verb : to squeeze or pack tightly together

compromise verb : to reach an agreement after both sides give up part of what they asked for

compute verb : to determine or calculate using mathematics

conceal verb : to hide

conceive verb : to think of; to imagine

concentrate verb : to pay close attention to something

conclude verb : to decide after much thought

conclude verb : to bring something to an end

concoct verb : to make something up; to prepare

condense verb : to change from a gas to a liquid

conduct verb : to organize, lead, or direct

confess verb : to admit or state that one has done something wrong

confirm verb : to establish that something is true based on facts

confirm verb : to approve; to make a person's appointment to a position official

conform verb : to follow rules or other standards

confront verb : to oppose directly and openly; to stand up to

confuse verb : to mix up two or more things

confuse verb : to cause someone to be mixed up about something; to make something harder to understand

congratulate verb : to offer praise or good wishes for an achievement or on a special occasion

congregate verb : to gather together

connect verb : to bring together

conquer verb : to take control of a person, group, place, or thing, usually by force

consent verb : to give permission for something to happen

conserve verb : to protect a natural place or resource so it will last longer

consider verb : to carefully look at or think about something, usually before making a decision; to have an opinion about someone or something

consist verb : to be made up of

constitute verb : to be part of a whole; to be the equivalent of something

construct verb : to make or build something

consult verb : to look for or receive advice from an expert or another source of information

consume verb : to eat, buy, or use

contact verb : to communicate with someone, usually to give or receive information

contain verb : to hold; to have or include

contaminate verb : to make something unusable or unsafe by adding a harmful or unwanted substance

contest verb : to argue against or challenge

continue verb : to keep doing something or start doing something again in the same manner or direction

contort verb : to twist out of shape

contract verb : to catch an illness or disease

contradict verb : to state the opposite or challenge the truth of something; to disagree

contrast verb : to look at something to see how it is different from something else

contribute verb : to do something for or give something to a person or cause

control verb : to verify an experiment by comparing it with a standard

control verb : to make a person or thing do something; to have power over someone or something

converse verb : to talk with someone

convert verb : to change the nature or form of something

convict verb : to prove guilty of a crime

convince verb : to talk someone into doing something; to cause someone to believe the truth of something

cooperate verb : to work together to get something done; to do what is asked

coordinate verb : to work or cause to work well together

corner verb : to force a living thing into a situation or position that is hard to escape from

corral verb : to gather and put into an enclosed space

correlate verb : to have a connection in which a change in one thing affects another thing

correspond verb : to communicate back and forth through writing

corrugate verb : to form or shape into ridges and grooves

counsel verb : to give guidance or advice

courting verb : looking for a mate

cover verb : to put something over or on

cower verb : to hide from danger

crackle verb : to make a quick series of sharp snapping sounds

crash verb : to stop working suddenly

crave verb : to want something a lot

creak verb : to make a harsh, rasping or squeaking sound

crease verb : to fold

create verb : to make or design; to bring into being

credit verb : to give someone approval or praise for a quality, work, or achievement

creep verb : to move slowly, often close to the ground, especially to avoid being noticed

cremate verb : to burn a corpse down to ashes

crept verb : the past tense of "creep"; to move slowly, usually on hands and knees, especially to avoid being noticed

cried verb : the past tense of “cry”; to shout

cringe verb : to feel an inner shiver of embarrassment or disgust

crisscross verb : to mark with lines that cross each other; to travel back and forth in a crossing pattern

criticize verb : to find fault with in a hurtful, disapproving way

cross verb : to move from one side of something to the other side; to intersect

crouch verb : to squat down with the knees bent and the upper body leaning forward and down

cruise verb : to travel smoothly at a speed that is neither very slow nor fast

crumble verb : to break apart into small pieces

crumple verb : to crush an object so it becomes wrinkled

cry verb : to shout

culminate verb : to reach the end

cultivate verb : to raise crops; to prepare the soil for farming or gardening

cure verb : to prepare food by drying, salting, or pickling so it will not spoil; to prepare something through a chemical process

cure verb : to correct or heal a sickness or problem

curl verb : to form a spiral or curved shape; to move something into that form

customize verb : to make personal; to make special for one person

cycle verb : to ride a bicycle, tricycle, or motorcycle


catapult verb : to throw something with great force

cede verb : to give up or surrender something, especially land

choreograph verb : to plan the movements dancers make, often to a piece of music

commemorate verb : to honor the memory of someone or something

confiscate verb : to take away someone's private property by authority or perceived authority

contemplate verb : to think over deeply

convey verb : to communicate, make known, or pass along thoughts or feelings