[b로 시작하는 동사 영영풀이]
bake verb : to cook in an oven
bark verb : to make the sound that a dog makes
be verb : to stay untouched
be verb : to have life; to exist
beat verb : to win against or be better than something or someone
been verb : a past-tense form of "to be"
began verb : the past tense of "begin"; to start
begin verb : to start
bend verb : to force or move something straight into a curve or angle
bite verb : to cut into something with the teeth; to use the teeth, pincers, or a stinger to hurt someone or something
bleat verb : to make the wavering sound that a sheep, goat, or calf makes
blew verb : the past tense of "blow"; to create moving air
blink verb : to shut and open the eyes very quickly
bloom verb : to open into a flower
blow verb : to create moving air
boil verb : to heat a liquid until it becomes hot enough to bubble
boil verb : to cook food in water that is so hot that it bubbles
boom verb : to make a loud, deep noise
box verb : to strike a blow with the hand or fist
break verb : to cause to split into pieces or no longer work
break verb : to stop being equal
breathe verb : to take in and let out air through the nose or mouth
bring verb : to carry, lead, or cause to go along from one place to another
broke verb : the past tense of “break”; to stop being equal
broke verb : the past tense of "break"; to cause to split into pieces or no longer work
brush verb : to use a tool with bristles to paint, arrange hair, or clean things
build verb : to make or construct something from parts
built verb : the past tense of "build"; to make or construct something from parts
bump verb : to hit against something
buy verb : to give someone money for something
buzz verb : to make the sound that a bee makes
babble verb : to speak quickly in a foolish, excited, or nonsensical way
balance verb : to arrange the parts of a work of art in a pleasing and harmonious way
balance verb : to stay in a steady or stable position without falling
balk verb : to hesitate or refuse to proceed
bang verb : to strike something or come into contact with it in a noisy or forceful way
banish verb : to force to leave
banned verb : not allowed; stopped allowing
banter verb : to talk back and forth in a friendly, teasing manner
bare verb : to show or uncover
bargain verb : to talk about a purchase or business agreement in order to get a better deal
barge verb : to jump or rush in impolitely
barrel verb : to quickly move, often in a dangerous or reckless way
barter verb : to exchange goods or services without using money
bask verb : to rest and soak up sunlight
battle verb : to fight a short, violent fight or a single part of a war
bawl verb : to cry or shout loudly
beam verb : to smile brightly or happily
became verb : the past tense of "become"; to grow or turn into
beckon verb : to call toward someone; to invite a person to come closer or follow
become verb : to begin to be; to grow into; to turn into
befuddle verb : to confuse
beg verb : to ask in an emotional way for something
behave verb : to act in a certain way; to follow rules and be good
behold verb : to look at
belch verb : to make noise while releasing air from the digestive tract through the mouth; to burp
believe verb : to accept that something is true or real
bellow verb : to speak or shout in a loud, deep voice
belong verb : to fit well in a certain place; to be owned by someone; to be a member of a club or organization
benefit verb : to gain help, profit, or an advantage from something
berate verb : to scold or criticize severely
bet verb : to risk something, usually a sum of money, on what one thinks will happen in the future
betray verb : to hurt another in some way by being unfaithful, false, or disloyal
beware verb : to be cautious; to be on the lookout for
bicker verb : to argue about unimportant things
billow verb : to bulge and swell out in response to wind
bind verb : to tie or fasten tightly together
blame verb : to believe or say someone is responsible for a mistake or problem
blare verb : to make a loud noise
blast verb : to strike; to suddenly force something in a certain direction; to blow up
blast verb : to make a loud or harsh noise, usually one that lasts for a while
blaze verb : to burn very brightly or fiercely
bleed verb : to lose blood because of a cut or injury
blend verb : to mix
bless verb : to make someone happy or prosperous; to give thanks for
blog verb : to write about one’s thoughts, opinions, or experiences on a website meant to be read by others
blossom verb : to produce flowers
blot verb : to dry something using a material that soaks up liquid
bluff verb : to trick, especially by showing strength that does not exist
blur verb : to make or become less clear
blurt verb : to say something quickly without thinking
blush verb : to get pink in the face as a result of embarrassment or shame
boast verb : to brag
bob verb : to make quick, jerky movements up and down
bolt verb : to suddenly or nervously move or run away
bond verb : to attach or join together
bond verb : to get emotionally close to someone
border verb : to be next to another country, state, or area
borrow verb : to take something with the promise that you will return it later
bother verb : to worry, annoy, or disturb someone; to take time to do something
bought verb : the past tense of "buy"; to purchase something in exchange for money
bounce verb : to spring back from a surface after hitting it
bound verb : to leap
bow verb : to bend the head or upper body, used to communicate something, such as respect or gratitude
boycott verb : to refuse to buy or take part in something in order to make a point or force a change
brace verb : to stay balanced by pressing a part of one's body against an unmoving object
brag verb : to speak in a boastful or overly proud way
braid verb : to lace together three strands of something
brainstorm verb : to share and develop ideas, often related to solving a problem
brainwash verb : to change a person's ideas or beliefs using force or persuasion
brand verb : to make a permanent pattern on the skin or fur of an animal to show ownership
brawl verb : to fight or argue in a loud, disruptive way
bred verb : the past tense of "breed"; to cause an animal to produce young, usually in a controlled manner
breed verb : breed (v.) to come together to reproduce, or make a baby
breed verb : to cause an animal to produce young, usually in a controlled manner
breeding verb : producing offspring; helping something reproduce
brew verb : to make tea, coffee, or beer
brief verb : to give details to; to inform
brimming verb : so full as to be almost overflowing
bristle verb : (of hair or fur) to stand straight up away from the skin, usually because of fear or anger
broadcast verb : to send out radio or television signals or programs
broil verb : to cook using very high heat for a short period of time
brood verb : to give serious thought to something troubling
brought verb : the past tense of "bring"; to carry, lead, or cause to go along from one place to another
browse verb : to look through something in a casual way
brush verb : to touch lightly in passing
buck verb : to jump in the air with a lowered head, stiff legs, and an arched back (most often done by a horse or other hoofed animal)
budge verb : to move even a little
bulging verb : swelling or protruding
bulldoze verb : to clear land or tear down buildings or trees with a large tractor called a bulldozer
bundle verb : to wrap, tie, or hold together a group of things; to wrap a person or other animal to keep it warm
burn verb : to damage or destroy by fire; to injure oneself from extreme heat
burp verb : to let out gas from the stomach through the mouth, often with a sound
burrow verb : to dig a tunnel or hole
burst verb : to break apart suddenly; to explode
bursting verb : so full that something almost breaks open
bury verb : to place under the ground or cover
butt verb : to strike or push with the head or horns
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