[a로 시작하는 동사 영영풀이]
act verb : to perform as or pretend to be a character
add verb : to combine numbers into a single number that has the same total value
add verb : to put something in or next to another thing or group of things to make it bigger or different in some way
am verb : a form of "to be" that follows "I"
answer verb : to reply to a question
are verb : a form of "to be" for you or for more than one person
ask verb : to try to get information
ate verb : the past tense of "eat"; to chew and swallow food
abandon verb : to leave behind
abbreviate verb : to make something shorter by leaving out letters or sounds
abolish verb : to end, outlaw, or do away with a practice or policy
absorb verb : to soak up or take in
abuse verb : to mistreat, especially in a cruel or violent way
accelerate verb : to go faster or cause to go faster
accept verb : to agree to receive something
access verb : to get near, go into, or use something or someplace
acclimate verb : to get used to a new climate or situation
accompany verb : to go somewhere with another; to happen at the same time or along with something else
accomplish verb : to succeed in doing or achieving something
accumulate verb : to build up or collect over time; to increase
accuse verb : to blame for or charge with wrongdoing
ache verb : to suffer from or experience a dull pain that lasts
achieve verb : to succeed in doing or gaining something, usually with effort
acknowledge verb : to thank or give credit to someone for something he or she did; to recognize
acquaint verb : to make someone aware of something
acquire verb : to get or learn something
activate verb : to set a chemical reaction in motion; to trigger or initiate
adapt verb : to change to fit a new or specific situation or environment
address verb : to write a name and location on an envelope; to speak to a person or group, often in a formal manner
address verb : to think about, face, or deal with a problem
adjust verb : to change something so it works, looks, or fits better
administer verb : to make and give out or apply a drug or treatment
admire verb : to respect, appreciate, or warmly approve of a person or a quality
admit verb : to say, often unwillingly, that something is true or valid
admit verb : to allow someone or something to enter
adopt verb : to bring into one's family and raise as one's own; to take on or assume
adore verb : to love and respect very much
adorn verb : to dress or add beauty to something; to decorate
advance verb : to move or go forward
advertise verb : to call attention to a product, service, or cause in order to sell it or get people to attend
advise verb : to give an opinion or advice; to notify
affect verb : to have an effect on; to cause a change
affirm verb : to state that something is true
afford verb : to have enough money or time
afford verb : to supply or provide
agonize verb : to suffer anguish or agony
agree verb : to have the same opinion; to say one will do, accept, or allow something that is suggested by another
aid verb : to give assistance
aim verb : to point something at a target or other object
alert verb : to warn or inform
align verb : to line up with
allow verb : to give permission; to let something happen
allude verb : to suggest or infer
alter verb : to make different; to change
alternate verb : to occur in turns; to switch between
amaze verb : to create a feeling of wonder or surprise in someone
amble verb : to walk at a slow, relaxed pace
amputate verb : to cut off
amuse verb : to cause someone to laugh or be delighted; to be involved in an enjoyable activity
analyze verb : to examine closely
anchor verb : to hold firmly in position
announce verb : to tell something to a group
annoy verb : to disturb or bother
answer verb : to pick up the phone when it rings; to respond to a knock on a door
anticipate verb : to expect something in the future, often with excitement
apologize verb : to say you're sorry
appear verb : to come into view
applaud verb : to cheer for, often by clapping
apply verb : to fill out a form to request something or to be considered for a job opening
appoint verb : to choose someone to have a particular job; to give someone a position or duty
appraise verb : to judge the worth of someone or something after careful examination
appreciate verb : to be grateful for something; to recognize what is good about something
approach verb : to move nearer
approve verb : to officially agree; to have positive thoughts or feelings about something
arch verb : to form a curved shape
argue verb : to disagree; to give reasons for or against something
arise verb : to come into being or attention
arose verb : the past tense of "arise"; to come into being or attention
arouse verb : to excite; to spark a strong emotion; to increase awareness about a situation
arrange verb : to put in order or place carefully
arrest verb : to slow or stop something from moving forward
arrested verb : to be captured by the police or another authority and taken into custody
arrive verb : to reach a place
art verb : an old form of "are"
ascend verb : to move upward; to rise in position or rank
aspire verb : to hope to become
assassinate verb : to kill by a surprise attack
assemble verb : to put something together from parts; to gather together
assent verb : to approve or agree to something
assess verb : to evaluate or measure something
assign verb : to give out as work or as a task
assist verb : to help
assume verb : to believe something is true without proof
assure verb : to make certain; to convince
astonish verb : to surprise
astound verb : to greatly amaze or surprise
attach verb : to join or fasten
attack verb : to act aggressively against an opponent, often with weapons in a battle; to act harmfully toward
attain verb : to succeed in achieving a goal; to obtain or get
attempt verb : to make an effort; to try
attend verb : to go to an event or place
attract verb : to draw someone or something near
attract verb : to pull toward
attribute verb : to say or show that a person or thing is the cause or source of something; to think a person or thing has a certain quality
authorize verb : to permit or officially approve
avenge verb : to get back at someone for a wrong
avoid verb : to keep away from someone or something
actuate verb : to start action or turn on
ad lib verb : to perform in public without having prepared ahead of time
advocate verb : to support or recommend
allege verb : to accuse without proof; to claim
assimilate verb : to fully take something in and understand it, such as a new idea or culture
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