[Homophones: 동음이의어 영영풀이]
act verb : to perform as or pretend to be a character
ad noun : an advertisement; a public notice about a product or service for sale
add verb : to combine numbers into a single number that has the same total value
ant noun : a small insect that lives in a colony
aunt noun : the sister of your parent or the wife of your uncle
bear noun : a large mammal with thick fur and a short tail
blew verb : the past tense of "blow"; to create moving air
blue noun : the color of the sky on a sunny day
bow noun : a piece of ribbon or string that is tied to make two or more loops
brake noun : the part of a vehicle or machine that slows it down
brush verb : to use a tool with bristles to paint, arrange hair, or clean things
buy verb : to give someone money for something
capital noun : a letter that is not a small letter
carrot noun : a long, orange vegetable that grows under the ground
cent noun : a coin worth one penny
claw noun : a hard, curved nail on the end of a finger or toe of an animal
close verb : to shut something, such as a lid or a door; to block or cover an opening
clothes noun : things worn to cover one's body
cookie noun : a usually flat cake made from sweet dough
deer noun : a large mammal with hooves that may grow antlers
dew noun : drops of water that form on things at night
die verb : to stop being alive
drum noun : a round musical instrument that is played by hitting it with hands or sticks
eight adjective : being one more than seven; 8
eight noun : the number after seven; 8
fair adjective : just, right, or proper; in agreement with the rules or what is expected
family noun : people who live together, such as parents, children, and other relatives
feet noun : the bottom parts of the legs, which are used for standing and walking
flour noun : a powder used for baking that is made from a grain
forward adverb : straight ahead; toward the front
four adjective : being one more than three and one less than five; 4
four noun : the number between three and five; 4
fur noun : the hair that covers the body of most mammals
great adjective : very good; much better than usual
hair noun : threadlike strands that grow from the skin of a person or other animal
hall noun : a large room for meetings, dances, or concerts
have verb : to own something
hear verb : to receive sound through the ears
heel noun : the back part of the foot that is below the ankle
here adverb : at or in this place or time
hide verb : to put or go out of sight
him pronoun : about or belonging to a boy or man
hole noun : an opening or hollow place
I pronoun : the person who is talking
in preposition : inside of
it's contraction : a contraction that joins the words "it" and "is" or "it" and "has"
its adjective : owned by, or having to do with, an animal or a thing
knew verb : the past tense of "know"; to understand
know verb : to understand
mail noun : letters and packages sent from one person to another through the post office
mine pronoun : the thing or things that belong to me
morning noun : the time of day between sunrise and noon
need noun : something one must have
new adjective : never been used; not old
night noun : the time between sunset and sunrise, when it is dark outside
no noun : a negative answer
nose noun : the part of the body that allows humans and other animals to smell and breathe
one adjective : being a single thing; being the number between zero and two; 1
one noun : a single thing; the number between zero and two; 1
or conjunction : a word used between two other words to show choice
our adjective : owned by or having to do with us
peace noun : when there is no war, violence, or arguing
piece noun : a part of something that is separated from the whole
plain noun : a large stretch of flat land, usually with few trees
pole noun : a long, thin, round piece of wood, metal, or plastic
rain noun : liquid water that falls from clouds to Earth
read verb : to look at and understand the meaning of written or printed words or symbols
read verb : to have looked at and understood the meaning of something written
real adjective : something that is not imagined; true
red noun : the color of blood
red adjective : having the color of blood
right noun : to or on the right side
right adjective : correct, good, or true
road noun : a path for vehicles and people to travel on
rule noun : something that tells what is or is not allowed
run verb : to move on foot faster than walking
sale noun : the exchanging of money for a product or service; a price that is lower than normal
sea noun : the salt water that covers most of the Earth's surface
see verb : to notice something with the eyes
sell verb : to give something away for money
sew verb : to join fabric together with thread
sight noun : the sense that allows some living things to see
sign noun : a notice shown in public using symbols or words
some adjective : a few but not all; an unknown amount
son noun : a male child
star noun : a shape with five or more points that is meant to look like a star in the night sky
star noun : an object in outer space, made of hot gases, that can be seen in the night sky
step noun : a stage in a set of directions
story noun : a telling of events that can be true or made up
straight adjective : without turns, bends, or curves
sum noun : the result of adding two or more numbers together
Sun noun : the closest star to Earth and the center of our solar system
Sunday noun : the first day of the week
tail noun : a body part that sticks out from the back end of an animal
tea noun : a drink made from the dried leaves of a plant
their adjective : belonging to them; belonging to other people
there adverb : at or in that place
there adverb : says that something is, or asks if something is
they're contraction : a contraction that joins the words "they" and "are"
to preposition : in the direction of; for the purpose of
too adverb : also; more than enough; very
turn verb : to move in a circle; to change direction
two adjective : being one more than one and one less than three; 2
two noun : the number between one and three; 2
very adverb : quite
waist noun : the part of the human body between the chest and the hips
wait verb : to stay
weak adjective : being without energy, power, or strength
week noun : a period of time equal to seven days
whale noun : a very large mammal that lives in the ocean
where adverb : in what place; at what place
which pronoun : used to ask for something to be chosen from two or more choices
wood noun : the hard material under the bark of a tree
wore verb : the past tense of wear; to have clothing on your body
write verb : to form words, numbers, or musical notes on something
you pronoun : the person or people being spoken to; any person
you're contraction : a contraction that joins the words "you" and "are"
your adjective : belonging to you
account noun : a description or report of an experience or event
act noun : a part or section of a play that is usually made up of scenes
aide noun : an assistant to an important person
aisle noun : a walkway between seats, sections, or shelves
awl noun : a sharp, pointed tool used to make holes
banned verb : not allowed; stopped allowing
bare adjective : not covered
base noun : any side of a polygon, usually used for computing area, along with the altitude perpendicular to it
bass adjective : the lowest of the range of pitches produced by an instrument or a voice
battle verb : to fight a short, violent fight or a single part of a war
beech noun : a tree with smooth, gray bark that produces small nuts
betray verb : to hurt another in some way by being unfaithful, false, or disloyal
bolt verb : to suddenly or nervously move or run away
bored adjective : feeling restless or unhappy as a result of having nothing to do or being uninterested in an activity
bough noun : a branch of a tree that has leaves or needles on it
bow noun : a flexible rod with horsehairs stretched from end to end for playing instruments of the violin family
bow noun : a curved piece of wood with a tight string, used to shoot arrows
bow noun : the front end of a ship, boat, or airplane
bow verb : to bend the head or upper body, used to communicate something, such as respect or gratitude
bow noun : an act of bending the head or upper body, used to communicate something, such as respect or gratitude
bred verb : the past tense of "breed"; to cause an animal to produce young, usually in a controlled manner
bucket noun : an open, round container with a flat bottom and a handle, used to hold and carry things
buoy noun : a floating object anchored in a body of water, such as the ocean
burro noun : the Spanish word for “donkeys”; a hoofed mammal related to a horse, often trained to carry things
capital noun : the city where a government's offices are located
capitol noun : the building or group of buildings where a legislature meets
care noun : an effort to do something the right way; an action done to keep someone or something safe, healthy, or in a good condition
Carnaval noun : a festival before Lent that often includes music, dancing, and costumes
chord noun : three or more musical notes played or sung at the same time
cite verb : to give credit to a source of information; to recognize someone for an achievement
clause noun : a group of words that includes a subject and a verb, but forms only part of a sentence
coarse adjective : rough; having a bumpy surface
complement noun : a thing that completes or balances something else
compliment noun : an expression of admiration or praise
constitution noun : the basic laws of a state or nation that tell how the government is run
cord noun : a measure of wood equal to 128 cubic feet
corps noun : a group of workers or soldiers
council noun : a group of people chosen to be in charge of something
counsel verb : to give guidance or advice
course noun : a direction or path that someone or something travels along
dissolve verb : to break down or disintegrate, usually because of contact with a liquid
dissolve verb : to completely mix into a liquid to form a solution
document noun : anything written or printed that provides a record, information, or proof of something
dough noun : a gummy mixture of flour, liquid, and other ingredients that is cooked to make things, such as bread and pastries
dye noun : a substance used to change the color of something
dye verb : to use a substance to change the color of something
earn verb : to receive money in exchange for work; to gain as a result of effort
electrify verb : to cause great excitement or enthusiasm
elements noun : weather conditions, such as wind, rain, sun, or extreme temperatures
except conjunction : with the exclusion of; other than; but
eye noun : a calm area at the center of a storm
factor noun : a number that is multiplied by another number to give a product
factor noun : a fact or circumstance that contributes to a result
fair noun : a public event for trade, entertainment, or education
fare noun : the money paid by a person to ride on a bus, train, or taxi
fawn verb : to try to gain the approval, attention, or affection of another by giving praise, flattery, or special attention
feat noun : an amazing action or accomplishment
feet noun : standard units of measure each equal to 12 inches
ferry noun : a ship or boat that takes passengers, cargo, and sometimes cars a short distance across water
fir noun : a kind of evergreen tree
flee verb : to run from something, often from a dangerous situation
flow verb : to move freely in one continuous mass
fore adverb : at or near the front part of a ship or plane
foreword noun : a short introduction to a book written by someone other than the author
fork noun : a place where something such as a path, river, or road branches into two directions
forth adverb : forward in time or place from a starting point
foul adjective : unpleasant or offensive
found verb : to create or set up a group or organization
fowl noun : birds, often raised or hunted for food
gait noun : the manner in which a person or other animal walks or runs
gasp noun : a sudden breath, especially because of surprise or pain
gene noun : a basic unit of heredity that transfers a trait from one generation to the next
guerrilla noun : a Spanish word for a person who engages in secretive warfare
halve verb : to divide into two equal parts
hare noun : a type of mammal that is closely related to a rabbit
heal verb : to make or become well or healthy again
heir noun : a man who inherits, or is next in line to inherit, the property, money, or title of another person
hoarse adjective : having a rough voice
hour noun : one of 24 divisions in a day; made up of 60 minutes
humanitarian noun : a person who helps people, especially by eliminating their pain and suffering
inn noun : a place where travelers can sleep and eat meals
issue noun : an important topic or subject
juggle verb : to keep tossing and catching several objects so at least one is always in the air
knead verb : to mix and work dough by folding and pressing it before baking
knight noun : a soldier in medieval Europe who held a high military rank, who usually rode a horse and wore armor while fighting
light noun : a form of radiant energy that allows us to see things
loan noun : something that is lent, or borrowed, for a certain amount of time
loan verb : to give something, often money, to someone who agrees to return or repay it after a certain amount of time
loch noun : a lake or narrow arm of the sea that stretches inland
log noun : a record of events
main adjective : central, largest, or most important
major adjective : important or serious
male noun : a plant or animal that produces a seed that can fertilize a female
merry adjective : happy and lively
mine noun : a place where minerals are taken from the ground by digging or blasting
mine verb : to take minerals from the ground by digging or blasting
mission noun : a flight of a spacecraft or aircraft with the purpose of completing a special assignment
muscle noun : a type of body tissue that contracts and relaxes to allow movement
mussel noun : a type of clam with a black, brown, or dark purple shell
nunnoun : a female member of a religious community who vows to remain poor and unmarried, and devotes her life to active service or prayer
ore noun : a rock that has useful minerals or metals inside it
pain noun : physical discomfort or suffering caused by sickness or injury; emotional distress
pair noun : a set of two
pane noun : a single piece of glass in a window or door
passed verb : to have moved past or through a place; to throw, kick, or hit a ball to someone; to successfully complete a test or inspection
past noun : the period of time before right now
pawn noun : a person or group who is controlled or used by a more powerful person or group
peer verb : to look closely or with difficulty at something
plane noun : a flat surface
poll noun : a sampling or collection of opinions on a subject
pore noun : a tiny opening
pore verb : to read with great attention
prey noun : an animal that is hunted and eaten by a predator
principal noun : a person who is the head of a school
principle noun : a basic value or ideal that guides an action or decision
process verb : to change through a series of actions that may be natural or that are designed as steps to a goal
profit noun : the money earned from a business or investment after all costs are paid
redd noun : a hollow in the bottom of a riverbed that a female salmon or trout digs for the purpose of depositing her eggs
reign noun : the period of time during which a single ruler is in power
reins noun : a pair of long, thin straps used to control the direction and speed of a horse
represent verb : to speak or act for another person or group of people
right noun : a freedom or power that a person can justly claim
rite noun : a ceremony or ritual to honor a religious or other solemn occasion
roam verb : to travel or move around without a specific plan
role noun : the part played by an actor in a performance; the part played by a person or thing in a larger effort
route noun : a way or direction from one place to another; a series of places that a delivery person visits regularly
scent noun : a smell, especially a pleasant one
seam noun : the line where two pieces of cloth are sewn together
sensor noun : a device that senses and reacts to a signal or a change in conditions
sensor noun : a bodily structure that senses and reacts to a signal or change in conditions
sight noun : a thing that can be seen
sign verb : to use gestures to communicate in sign language
sign verb : to write one's name on something
site noun : the piece of land where something is located; the location where something is found or took place
sore noun : a raw, painful, or infected place on the skin
sore adjective : painful
sowing verb : planting by scattering
squeak exclamation : a high-pitched sound that is brief and sharp
star noun : a performer or athlete who is talented, important, or famous
stare verb : to look at someone or something for a long time with eyes wide open
stationary adjective : standing still; not moving
stationery noun : paper for writing letters, especially the kind with matching envelopes
stile noun : a set of steps used to climb over a fence or wall
strait noun : a narrow passage of water connecting two large areas of water
stunning adjective : extremely beautiful, impressive, or excellent; shocking or amazing
subject verb : to expose to a difficult or unpleasant situation
suite noun : a group of things that make up a collection
sundae noun : a bowl of ice cream with toppings added
tale noun : a true or fictional story, especially one told in an imaginative way
tee noun : a stand used to support a ball so that the player can strike it
tend verb : to take care of or give special attention to something or someone
tern noun : a seabird that is smaller than a gull but in the same family
text verb : to send or receive a short written message by a device such as a cell phone
threw verb : the past tense of "throw"; to make something move quickly through the air using a hand
through preposition : in one side and out the other or from one end to another; used to show movement within or across a space
treat verb : to add a substance, such as a chemical, to improve, protect, or clean something
trigger verb : to cause something to take place
trigger noun : something that causes something else to take place
trigger noun : the part of a firearm that causes it to fire
troupe noun : a group of stage performers who work together
vain adjective : without success
vain adjective : self-admiring, conceited, or proud
vary verb : to change, differ, or fluctuate
vein noun : a blood vessel that carries blood back from the body's cells to the heart
vote verb : to formally make a choice for a person or a decision
wail verb : to express pain or sadness with a long, loud cry
waste noun : a thing that is thrown away, not wanted, or useless
weather noun : the conditions in the atmosphere, such as temperature, clouds, rain, or wind; a description of such conditions in the atmosphere
weigh verb : to measure how heavy someone or something is by using a scale
weight noun : how heavy something is, determined by the pull of gravity on the object’s mass
whether conjunction : if; indicates a choice between two things
whine verb : to complain; to make a crying sound
whole adjective : entire; total
wine noun : an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice
wrap verb : wind around or cover something with paper or another flexible material
wring verb : to twist or squeeze; to squeeze water out of something
wry adjective : using words to suggest something different from, or opposite to their usual meaning
byte noun : a unit of digital information storage equal to eight bits
carat noun : a unit of weight for diamonds and other jewels
cede verb : to give up or surrender something, especially land
chord noun : a straight line joining the ends of an arc
roe noun : the eggs or the egg-heavy ovary of a female fish
sari noun : a type of traditional dress for women in India and neighboring countries
steppe noun : a dry grassland that is hot in summer and cold in winter
tole noun : lacquered or enameled metalware that was popular in the eighteenth century
※ 동음이의어: 발음은 같지만, 철자나 뜻이 다른 단어를 말한다.
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