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p로 시작하는 동사의 영영풀이

[p로 시작하는 동사의 영영풀이]


pack verb : to fill a suitcase, basket, or other container with things to take to a different place

paddle verb : to move through water using paddles or oars

paid verb : the past tense of "pay"; to give money for work done or items bought

paint verb : to cover a surface with color, either for decoration or to make a picture

park verb : to stop a vehicle and leave it for a while

pass verb : to throw, hit, or kick a ball or puck to a team member

paste verb : to glue a thing to another thing

pat verb : to touch gently and quickly with a flat hand

pay verb : to give money for work done or items bought

peel verb : to remove a thin covering from the surface of something

peep verb : to make the sound that a baby bird makes

pet verb : to move one’s hand gently over something

pick verb : to take hold with the fingers or hands and remove or lift; to choose

pick verb : to make a choice

picture verb : to imagine

pitch verb : to throw or hurl something; to toss

place verb : to put in a certain location

plant verb : to place something in the ground so it will grow

play verb : to make music using an instrument

play verb : to have fun

point verb : to use your finger to show people what you want them to look at

pop verb : to suddenly burst open or exit from something, usually with a loud sound

pop verb : to make a sudden, sharp sound like an explosion; to go in or out suddenly

pound verb : to hit something hard

press verb : to push hard on something

pretend verb : to make believe

print verb : to write with letters that do not touch

promise verb : to give your word to do or not to do something

puff verb : to gasp many times in a row; to breathe heavily

pull verb : to use force to move something closer

purr verb : to make the sound that a cat makes when it is happy

push verb : to use force to move something away

put verb : to place something


paddle verb : to move through water using short, quick motions of the hands or feet

pan verb : to move a camera from side to side from one position

panic verb : to feel sudden or uncontrollable fear or worry

paralyze verb : to cause one or more parts of a body to become unable to move

participate verb : to take part in something with others

pass verb : to move ahead of or beyond someone or something

passed verb : to have moved past or through a place; to throw, kick, or hit a ball to someone; to successfully complete a test or inspection

pasteurize verb : a process that slows the growth of microbes in food

patch verb : to cover or repair a hole or tear

patrol verb : to watch over an area by moving through it regularly, either on foot or in a vehicle

pause verb : to stop or wait for a short time

pave verb : to cover ground with a hard surface such as concrete or asphalt

peck verb : to hit something with a beak, often to make a hole

pedal verb : to move a bicycle forward by pushing its pedals

peek verb : to quickly look at; to show just enough to be visible from a hiding place

peer verb : to look closely or with difficulty at something

penetrate verb : to pass into or through, often by using force

perch verb : to sit or stand in a high or unstable spot

perform verb : to be part of a public show

perish verb : to die, especially in a sudden, violent, or unexpected way

permeate verb : to pass through every part of; to penetrate

permit verb : to allow; to give permission

persecute verb : to mistreat a specific group of people

persevere verb : to continue on a task or mission despite challenges or obstacles

perspire verb : to sweat

persuade verb : to convince another to believe or do something

pester verb : to bother

peter out verb : to die out

picket verb : to stand or march in a public location to protest against something

pierce verb : to make a hole or opening in something

pile verb : to place things on top of each other

pilot verb : to drive a ship or an aircraft

pinch verb : to hold something tightly between the thumb and a finger or between two hard edges or surfaces

pinch-hit verb : to bat in the place of another player

pitch verb : to toss up and down violently

pity verb : to feel sorrow for someone's suffering or misfortunes

plagiarize verb : to reproduce the work of another person without his or her permission

plan verb : to figure out a way to make or do something; to expect to do something or for something to happen

plaster verb : to apply or stick something on a surface in order to cover it

plead verb : to beg; to ask with urgency

pledge verb : to promise

plod verb : to walk heavily and slowly

plot verb : to secretly plan to do something, often something illegal or evil

pluck verb : to pick or pull at something and let it go

plug verb : to connect an electrical device by pushing a plug into a socket

plummet verb : to fall quickly

plunder verb : to steal everything of value using force

plunge verb : to dive or fall rapidly; to quickly and forcefully push something into something else

plunk verb : to strum or pluck a string on a musical instrument with your fingers

poach verb : to kill a wild animal illegally

poke verb : to use force to push against something

polish verb : to rub something until it is smooth and glassy

pollinate verb : to put pollen in a flower in order to fertilize it

pollute verb : to make something, such as the environment, unclean or unsafe for use

ponder verb : to think carefully and deeply about something

pop verb : to cook popcorn

populate verb : to add people to


pore verb : to read with great attention

pose verb : to be or represent; to suggest or ask

pose verb : to sit very still, often so an artist can create an accurate representation

possess verb : to own or have

post verb : to put a message on a blog, message board, or other part of the Internet; to display an announcement

postpone verb : to cause something to happen at a later time than first planned

pounce verb : to suddenly jump on and grab hold of something

pound verb : to beat or throb in rapid rhythm

pour verb : to flow quickly and steadily

pout verb : to show anger or unhappiness by pushing out the lips

practice verb : to do something over and over again, often for the purpose of getting better at it

praise verb : to say good things about someone or something

prance verb : to walk or dance using high steps

pray verb : to request something from or give thanks to a god or other object of worship; to strongly hope or wish for

praying verb : to be in the process of thanking or making a request of a god or other object of worship

preach verb : to give a sermon, or religious speech, to a group of people, usually in a church; to verbally support a course of action

precede verb : to go or come before something

predict verb : to say what is going to happen in the future, often using observation or experience

preen verb : to clean and straighten feathers; to make an effort to neaten one's appearance

prefer verb : to like or want one thing more than another

prepare verb : to make something or oneself ready

present verb : to give something to somebody

preserve verb : to take care of and save for the future

preserve verb : to treat in a special way to prevent decay

press verb : to make a strong effort to persuade someone or get information; to express a strong opinion

pressure verb : to try and make someone do something

presume verb : to suppose or assume something; to accept something is true without proof

prevent verb : to stop something from happening

prick verb : to use a sharp object to make a small hole in something

prime verb : to get something ready for a particular purpose

probe verb : to investigate or explore something to get information

proceed verb : to continue to do something, especially after stopping

process verb : to chop, mix, or prepare food

process verb : to follow a set of steps in preparing something

process verb : to change through a series of actions that may be natural or that are designed as steps to a goal

proclaim verb : to announce formally, officially, or publicly

procrastinate verb : to delay doing something

prod verb : to poke with a finger or other pointed object

produce verb : to make or create; to cause

program verb : to give a computer or other machine instructions for completing an action

prohibit verb : to forbid something by law or rule

project verb : to show on a theater or television screen

promote verb : to move forward the progress of something; to suggest an idea with the hope of having it gain acceptance

promote verb : to move up in position or rank

pronounce verb : to speak words, usually correctly or in a certain way

proofread verb : to read and correct written material

propel verb : to push somebody or something forward

propose verb : to share an idea so others may consider and discuss it; to make an offer of marriage

prospect verb : to search an area for valuable things, such as mineral deposits or oil

prosper verb : to achieve financial success

protect verb : to guard or defend from harm or danger

protest verb : to express strong disagreement or disapproval

protrude verb : to stick out or bulge out

prove verb : to show that something is true using logic, reason, or evidence

provide verb : to make available for use

provoke verb : to cause a strong reaction in someone; to cause someone to do or feel something

prowl verb : to move about quietly, often in a sly or restless manner

prune verb : to cut off some branches or vines of a plant to direct its growth

pry verb : to use a lever to pull something open or apart; to ask a nosy question

publish verb : to make writing available to the public, either in print or on the Internet

pucker verb : to tighten a part of the body so it becomes wrinkled

puff verb : to swell up

pump verb : to use a mechanical device that uses pressure or suction to move fluid or gas

punch verb : to hit or strike, usually with the fist; also, to cut a hole

punctuate verb : to place punctuation marks in text

punish verb : to give a negative consequence for breaking a law or doing something wrong

punt verb : to kick a football after dropping it from the hands, before it touches the ground

purchase verb : to buy something with money

purify verb : to cleanse; to remove all dirt and bad things

purse verb : wrinkle up; squeeze

pursue verb : to follow in order to catch or attack; to follow a course of action to achieve a goal

putter verb : to act or move aimlessly


propagate verb : to repeat; to create over and over; to reproduce