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n으로 시작하는 동사의 영영풀이

[n으로 시작하는 동사의 영영풀이]


name verb : to call or identify

need verb : to require something that is very important

neigh verb : to make the sound that a horse makes

nod verb : to lower and raise the head, often as a way to say "yes"


nab verb : to catch, grab, or seize

navigate verb : to find one's way over a long distance; to steer a course toward a destination

neglect verb : to fail to care for someone or something properly

negotiate verb : to try to reach a formal agreement through discussion

nestle verb : to lie snugly next to; to be located in a tucked-away place

nibble verb : to eat in small bites or in small amounts; to bite gently

nominate verb : to name someone for a job, award, or position

notice verb : to see, pay attention to, or be aware of

notify verb : to let someone know something, often in an official way

nourish verb : to provide food or other substances needed for growth and health

nudge verb : to gently tap or push

nuzzle verb : to rub with the nose; to lean on in a snuggling manner